10.2 The Louisiana Purchase and Exploration
Federalists Continue to Lose Power Hamilton attacks Adams, splitting Federalist Party Adams/Federalists lose election of 1804 Hamilton seeks to prevent Burr from becoming Gov. of New York in 1804 7/11/1804 Hamilton fights Aaron Burr in a duel, and is killed. Burr kills Federalist leadership, and his own career Federalists fade away
Jefferson and Louisiana : Population in the Ohio Valley grows. Daniel Boone clears the Wilderness Road. 1800: Spain cedes trans-Mississippi/LA to France 1802: US loses right to deposit in New Orleans 1803: Jefferson sends envoys to Napoleon 4/30/1803: Frances sells LA for $15 million Why did Napoleon sell?
Louisiana Purchase of 1803 Avoided war with France and Spain Vast area of land open for farming for growing population Western expansion favors Jefferson & Democratic republican Party, gains loyalty of Western US Federalists decline further Establishes power of the President to make treaties
Meriwether Lewis & William Clark Sought (but did not find) a Northwest Passage Want to establish boundaries of the new LA territory : 2½ year journey of 50 men(Corps of Discovery) Navigated the Missouri, crossed the Rockies, went down the Columbia River to the Pacific and back Received help from many Native Americans during their journey, esp. Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman who served as interpreter and guide First Americans to cross the North American continent. Demonstrated the viability of an overland passage to Pacific Opened the West to settlement
{{ Clark
Meriwether Lewis & William Clark Seeking a Northwest Passage and boundaries of new LA territory : 2 and ½ year journey, 50 men in Corps of Discovery Navigated the Missouri, crossed the Rockies, went down the Columbia River to the Pacific and back Received help from many Native Americans during their journey, esp. Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman who served as interpreter and guide First Americans to cross the North American continent. Demonstrated the viability of an overland passage to Pacific Opened the West to settlement
Meriwether Lewis & William Clark Sought (but did not find) a Northwest Passage Want to establish boundaries of the new LA territory : 2½ year journey of 50 men(Corps of Discovery) Navigated the Missouri, crossed the Rockies, went down the Columbia River to the Pacific and back Received help from many Native Americans during their journey, esp. Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman who served as interpreter and guide First Americans to cross the North American continent. Demonstrated the viability of an overland passage to Pacific Opened the West to settlement
The Missouri Breaks
Decision Point