2 Europe Needs Science ESF provide s a common platform for Member Organisations (MOs) in order to: Advance European research Explore new directions for research at the European level ESF serve s the needs of the European research community in a global context.
3 Science Needs Europe 77 Member Organisations in 30 countries, beyond the European Union Research funding organisations Research performing organisations Academies
4 ESF in ERA Securing a place in an European Research Area that is changing and evolving rapidly is a key challenge ESF will play a complementary role to the European Research Council (ERC) by focusing on MO co-ordination A strengthened focus on researcher- led science will further enhance ESF’s place in the ERA
5 Three decades of science Established 1974 Independent, non- governmental Offices in Strasbourg and Brussels Budget: 45M€ Networking Budget: 1.3B€
6 Organisation ESF SCIENTIFIC STANDING COMMITTEES Humanities SCHHumanities SCH Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences LESCLife, Earth and Environmental Sciences LESC Medical Sciences EMRCMedical Sciences EMRC Physical and Engineering Sciences PESCPhysical and Engineering Sciences PESC Social Sciences SCSSSocial Sciences SCSS ESF EXPERT COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Marine Board - ESF MB-ESFMarine Board - ESF MB-ESF European Polar Board EPBEuropean Polar Board EPB European Space Sciences Committee ESSCEuropean Space Sciences Committee ESSC Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies CRAFCommittee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies CRAF Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee NuPECCNuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee NuPECC ESF RESEARCH CONFERENCES Strasbourg Offices Brussels Offices Assembly Governing Council CEO Administration & Finance Human Resources Communications Biomedicine & Molecular Biosciences Chemistry & Molecular Sciences & Technologies Earth System Science & Environmental Management Food & Agriculture Forests, their Products & Services Individuals, Society, Culture & Health Information & Com- munication Technologies Materials, Physics & Nanosciences Transport & Urban Development COST DOMAIN COMMITTEES Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) Ministerial Conference Science Advisory Board COST Office
7 Scientific Domains Physical and Engineering Sciences Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences Medical Sciences Humanities Social Sciences Space Sciences Marine Science Polar Science
8 New Strategic Plan Our pillars Science Strategy Science Synergy Science Management
9 Science Strategy Foresight and Advice Forward Looks Member Organisations Fora Exploratory Workshops Policy Briefings
10 Forward Looks Medium - long term scientific perspectives Multidisciplinary topics viewed from a European level Brings together scientists and policy makers from ESF Member Organisations Wide consultation Major reports and action plans should result from forward looks
11 MO Fora Output oriented, issue related venues of MOs, involving others as appropriate to develop joint actions Actions: to benefit MOs strategy development and/or lead to the development of –Best practices –Common procedures –Cooperative activities Time limited activities (one year)
12 Exploratory Workshops Normally one-off specialist meetings ‘Spearheading’ topics ‘Bottom-up’ through Open Call Occasionally ‘top-down’ on key topics May lead to ESF or other à la carte programmes; FP proposals; position statements scientists involved Awards: max €/meeting
13 Policy briefings Address selected science policy issues of key concern to the Foundation’s Member Organisations and the wider scientific community By drawing on the advice and expertise of the ESF’s membership, the briefings aim both to provide information and to promote discussion
14 Science Synergy Cooperation with MOs ESF Research Networking Programmes ESF Research Conferences EUROCORES – European Collaborative Research
15 Research Networking Programmes Coordination of major scientific endeavours over a five-year period Supported by ESF Member Organisations through additional à la carte funding Typically include workshops, inter-laboratory exchanges, fellowship programmes and dissemination ‘Core’ Steering Group of 8-12 scientists May link to other initiatives, including the Framework Programme Financing in the range of €90k - €250k per annum
16 EUROCORES (European Collaborative Research) To provide European critical mass in specific topics To develop multilateral funding collaboration Open and transparent variable geometry International peer review essential Funding remains national but ‘networked’
17 Research Conferences High profile framework for scientific discussion on frontline topics Bring together younger and established leaders Partnerships with others in Europe ESF World Conferences: Japan, US, China, International Partners participants Limited number of attractive venues
18 Science Management Implementation of Activities European CO-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) EuroBioFund
19 COS T COST European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical research Origin: –Started 1971: Ministerial Conference, – 19 Member States Current Participation: –2006: 34 COST Member States + 1 cooperating state (Israel) COST Actions: –Concerted Actions (Networks) of nationally funded R&D projects ESF + COST leading to a One-Stop Shop for research networking
20 EuroBioFund New strategic initiative to enable greater Interaction among European life sciences Funders and researchers. Objectives: Provide a platform for funding organisations and life science researchers to foster joint research initiatives through networking and brokerage: EuroBioForum Help organise research communities and facilitate bottom-up generation of research programmes of European scale and scope: EuroBioGenerator Shape a new funding way in Europe by helping to develop joint investments and funding of life sciences research: EuroBioAccess
21 EMRC Forward Looks: currently 3 Exploratory workshops: annual ESF Call in March covering all scientific areas - 7 workshops funded by EMRC in 2008 Research Networking Programmes: currently 3 EUROCORES: currently 4 Science Policy Briefings: currently 2
22 EMRC Standing Committee for the European Medical Research Councils (EMRC) European Science Foundation 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia BP Strasbourg cedex France
23 PESC Forward Looks: currently 1 Exploratory workshops: annual ESF Call in March covering all scientific areas - 12 workshops being funded by PESC in 2008 Research Networking programmes: currently 30 EUROCORES: currently 6 running
24 PESC Standing Committee for Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC) European Science Foundation 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia BP Strasbourg cedex France
Excellence Openness Responsiveness Pan-European Ethical awareness and human values