Hospital Management Information Systems (HospMIS) in Resource-Constrained Environments Chris Seebregts, PhD Senior Manager: Biomedical Informatics Research, eHealth Research & Innovation Platform, MRC Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal Executive Director, Jembi SOUTH AFRICA
Chris Seebregts, HISA 2009 Questions oWhat is the role of NGOs, like HISP, and other donor-driven initiatives in the public health domain and their effect on organizational learning and capacity development in their 'customers'; oWhat effects have HISP/DHIS had on policy and boundary partners, such as government, other researchers, practitioners, etc?; oWhat are the challenges of data collection and quality at multiple different levels in public health systems in resource-constrained settings and how can HospMIS and DHIS contribute to better local data usage, and; oWhat is the relevance of agile techniques (extreme programming etc) to the development of complex adaptive healthcare information systems; owhat is the role of FOSS as a potentially disruptive innovation in the context of developing countries and the traditional purchase of monolithic HospMIS.
Chris Seebregts, HISA 2009 Feedback oAdoption of Standards oSystem Failures oAgile Development, Maturity Modelling, Change Management and Outcome Mapping oAction Research oDHIS oOpen Source oHISP oCollaborative Action Network oContributions to Development and Poverty Reduction