Which Mantle Interfaces Do Seismologists See? Peter Shearer* IGPP/SIO/U.C. San Diego * With figures from Castle, Deuss, Dueker, Fei, Flanagan, Gao, Gu, Kaneshima, Kato, Kellogg, Kosarev, Kruger, Lebedev, Li, Masters, Niu, Owens, Reif, Tackley, Tseng, van der Hilst, Vidale, Vinnik
Interface Depth vs. Publication Date Most depths are sampled at least once Consistency in depths greatest for 220, 410, 520, 660 Note: plot is not complete, especially in last 15 years
Three Types of Mantle Interfaces Unobserved seismically, hypothesized by geochemists or geodynamicists (e.g., Kellogg et al. lower mantle boundary) Routinely observed seismically, known mineral physics origin (410, 520, 660) Intermittently observed seismically, undetermined origin (220, 900, 1200, D”)
SS precursors probe layering near the SS bounce point Nice for global studies since SS bounce points are widely distributed
figure from Lebedev et al. (2002) 410 and 660 observations are consistent with mineral physics predictions for olivine phase changes Absolute depths agree with expected pressures Topography consistent with Clapeyron slopes Size of velocity and density jumps are about right
Flanagan & Shearer (1998)Lebedev et al. (2002) Global, SS precursors Australia region, Receiver functions Correlation between TZ thickness and velocity anomalies Agrees with mineral physics data for olivine phase changes Permits calibration of dT/dv and Clapeyron slopes
Analysis of different discontinuity phases can resolve density, P & S velocity jumps across discontinuities A puzzle: Where is the 660 reflector?
Shearer & Flanagan (1999) SS & PP precursors Kato & Kawakatsu (2001) ScS reverberations Tseng & Chen (2004) Triplicated waveforms Estimated S velocity and density jumps across 660 km Global StudyNorthwest PacificPhilippine Sea
Dueker & Sheehan (1997) Snake River Plane Eastern US, MOMA Array Li et al. (1998)
Tibet Tanzania Kosarev et al. (1999) Owens et al. (2000)
Southern Africa Gao et al. (2002)
P’P’ phase: seen at short periods, good for sharpness constraints
Several minute envelope stack
Comparison to long-period reflections Corrected for attenuation
No visible 410 in P’P’ at higher frequencies from Fei, Vidale & Earle
Conclusions from Fei, Vidale & Earle P’P’ study 410 is not so sharp — results suggest half is sharp jump, half is spread over 7 km 520 is not seen in short-period reflections — jump must occur over 20 km or more 660 is sharp enough to efficiently reflect 1 Hz P-waves — less than 2-km thick transition
S520S Seen in global stacks but weaker than 410 and 660 reflectors
Deuss & Woodhouse (2001) 520-km discontinuity may be intermittent and/or split into two interfaces SS precursors stacked in bounce point caps Deuss & Woodhouse propose this may be phase changes in two components, olivine and garnet, whose depths don’t always coincide.
Transects of the 520 Lateral continuity of structure
A global map, where there is coverage John Woodhouse
Intermittently observed seismically, undetermined origin (220, 900, 1200, D”) Three Types of Mantle Interfaces
Are there regional reflectors hidden in here, such as the 220?
figure from Deuss & Woodhouse (2002) SS Precursor Stacks in Different Regions
figure from Deuss & Woodhouse (2002)
Discontinuity depths in SS precursor bounce point caps
figures from Gu, Dziewonski & Ekstrom (2001) But another SS precursor study does not find N. American 220
Are there regional reflectors hidden down here, such as at 900 km or 1200 km?
Strongest evidence for mid-mantle discontinuities is from S-to-P conversions from deep earthquakes to receiver
Slide 44 figures from Niu & Kawakatsu (1997) Interface near 1000 km below Indonesia Seen in S-to-P conversions
figure from Kaneshima & Helffrich (1999) Interface near 1500 km below Marianas Seen in S-to-P conversions below deep earthquakes
Unobserved seismically, hypothesized by geochemists or geodynamicists (e.g., Kellogg et al. lower mantle boundary) Three Types of Mantle Interfaces
Hypothesized Undulating Mid-Mantle Discontinuity figures from Kellogg, Hager, van der Hilst (1999) Low density contrast (chemical+thermal) implies large dynamic topography
figure from van der Hilst & Karason (1999) Some tomography models may have change in character near 1700 km depth But this is not direct evidence for an interface, and models have limited resolution and uniqueness….
Tackley (2002) test of Kellogg et al. hypothesized layer Interface positionTemperature perturbation 3-D numerical simulation of mantle convection Filtered to match seismic modeling Simulations predict peak in heterogeneity near interface depth Not seen in real tomography models – argues against hypothesis
Masters et al. model10% in dense layer30% in dense layer figures from Tackley (2002) Radial correlation function is measure of vertical continuity of model Convection simulations with dense lower layer predict significant de-correlation (narrowing) near interface, which is not observed in Masters or Grand tomography models Convection SimulationsSeismic Inversion
Thermal boundary layer at interface will cause sharp velocity change, which should cause observable triplication in seismic travel time curve* * Provided source/receiver geometry is just right figure from Vidale, Schubert & Earle (2001)
figures from Vidale, Schubert & Earle (2001) California network data, 10 earthquakes No triplications or complicated waveforms But approach could miss: - interface not at 1770 km, or - dipping interface
figure from Castle & van der Hilst (2003) S-to-P conversions can detect discontinuities below earthquake source regions S 1700 P phase arrives between P and pP Useful for finding interfaces below subduction zones from ~800 to ~2000 km depth
figure from Castle & van der Hilst (2003) km Systematic search for interfaces below Pacific subduction zones Nothing (see also Wicks & Weber, 1996; Kaneshima & Helffrich, 1999) Nothing
figure adapted from Vinnik, Kato & Kawakatsu (2001) 1850 km 1200 km 900 km 950 & 1050 km 1200 km Yet Vinnik et al. study finds interfaces in some of same places
figure from Vinnik, Kato & Kawakatsu (2001) Quake in Fiji-Tonga, recorded in Japan S 1200 P s410P S 1700 P Quake in Marianas, recorded in western US
figure from Castle & van der Hilst (2003) What about the lowermost mantle?
figures from Castle & van der Hilst (2003)
Mid-mantle reflectors seen below many subduction zones Related to ancient slabs? Discontinuity observations lacking in other areas Not present? or Not easy to observe? Conclusion: Seismic evidence argues against continuous mid-mantle boundary