Healthy People 2010 Focus Area 1 Access to Quality Health Services Progress Review June 4, 2002
Standard population-based data template
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Annual Data Report, American Association of Schools of Public Health Annual Survey of RN (Registered Nurse) Programs AAMC Data Book: Statistical Information Related to Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals Survey of Predoctoral Dental Educational Institutions Profile of Pharmacy Students Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) American Association of Poison Control Centers Survey Survey of State/Local Efforts to Coordinate Trauma Care Delivery Emergency Medical Services for Children Annual Grantees Survey National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS) Data sources used to measure Access to Quality Health Services objectives
1-1. Persons under age 65 with health insurance, by race/ethnicity 2010 target White, not-Hispanic Total Asian* Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander* Black, not-Hispanic Hispanic or Latino** American Indian or Alaska Native* Source: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), CDC, NCHS. ***Early Release data. 0 **Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. LHI measure *Includes persons of Hispanic and non-Hispanic origin.
1-1. Persons under age 65 with health insurance, by race/ethnicity, 2000 Source: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), CDC, NCHS. I 95% Confidence Interval 2010 target White, not-Hispanic Black, not-Hispanic Hispanic or Latino** Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander* Asian* American Indian or Alaska Native* Total LHI measure **Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. *Includes persons of Hispanic and non-Hispanic origin.
1-1. Persons under age 65 with health insurance, by family income, target Source: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), CDC, NCHS. I 95% Confidence Interval Total Poor (<100% poverty) Near poor (100% - 199% poverty) Middle/high income (≥ 200% poverty) LHI measure
Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), CDC. Percent with health insurance (quartiles) 1-1. Persons ages 18 to 64 with health insurance, 2000 Note: Age-adjusted. LHI measure
1-4a-c. Percent of persons with source of ongoing care, by age 0 1-4b. 17 and under 1-4c. 18 and over 2010 target 1-4a. All ages *Early Release data. LHI measure Source: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), CDC, NCHS.
1-4a. Percent of persons with source of ongoing care, all ages, by race/ethnicity, target White, not-Hispanic Black, not-Hispanic Hispanic or Latino** Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander* Asian* American Indian or Alaska Native* LHI measure Total Source: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), CDC, NCHS. I 95% Confidence Interval **Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. *Includes persons of Hispanic and non-Hispanic origin.
1-5. Persons with usual primary care provider, by race/ethnicity, 1999 Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), AHRQ target White, not-Hispanic Black, not-Hispanic Hispanic or Latino** Asian or Pacific Islander* American Indian or Alaska Native* Total I 95% Confidence Interval **Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. *Includes persons of Hispanic and non-Hispanic origin. 81
1-5. Persons with usual primary care provider, by selected demographic characteristics, 1999 Total Female Male Less than high school High school graduate At least some college Inside MSA Outside MSA Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), AHRQ target 80 78
1-6. Difficulties or delays in obtaining needed health care, by race/ethnicity 2010 target Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), AHRQ. I 95% Confidence Interval **Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. *Includes persons of Hispanic and non-Hispanic origin.
1-6. Difficulties or delays in obtaining needed health care, by selected demographic characteristics, 1999 Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), AHRQ. I 95% Confidence Interval Total Female Male Family private insurance Family public insurance Family uninsured Inside MSA Outside MSA 2010 target 19 10
1-6. Difficulties or delays in obtaining needed health care, by health insurance status Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), AHRQ. I 95% Confidence Interval 2010 target
1-7. Increase the proportion of health professional training schools whose basic curriculum for health care providers includes the core competencies in health promotion and disease prevention Source: Prevention Self-Assessment Analysis, Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine. Medical schools, Note: Proposed. No target.
1-8a-d. Racial and ethnic representation in health professions Source: Annual Data Report, American Association of Schools of Public Health. Proportion of population in year Academic year Note: Race/ethnic categories for this objective are mutually exclusive.
1-9a-c. Hospitalizations for ambulatory- care-sensitive conditions 2010 target. Source: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), AHRQ. 1-9a. Pediatric asthma Under age b. Uncontrolled diabetes ages 18 to c. Immunization- preventable pneumonia or influenza age 65 and over
1-9a-c. Hospitalizations for ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions, by ZIP code median income, target. Source: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), AHRQ. 1-9a. Pediatric asthma Under age b. Uncontrolled diabetes ages 18 to c. Immunization- preventable pneumonia or influenza age 65 and over
Source: Emergency Medical Services for Children Annual Grantees Survey, HRSA a. Prehospital and hospital EMS needs of children: States with pediatric protocols for real-time medical direction, 2000 States with Protocols
Source: Emergency Medical Services for Children Annual Grantees Survey, HRSA b. Prehospital and hospital EMS needs of children: States with pediatric guidelines for emergency and critical care, 2000 States with Guidelines
1-3f. Counseling about health behaviors – Unintended pregnancy (females aged 15 to 44 years) Source:National Survey of Family Growth Baseline: 19 percent (1995) Update:2002 data available in 2003 Target:50 percent Single toll-free number for poison control centers Source:American Association of Poison Control Centers Survey Baseline: 15 percent (1999) Update: 100 percent (2001) Target: 100 percent; Met Other measurable objectives
1-13. Trauma care systems Source:Survey of State/Local Efforts to Coordinate Trauma Care Delivery Baseline: 5 States (1998) Update:2002 data available later in 2002 Target:51 States Pressure ulcers among nursing home residents Source:National Nursing Home Survey Baseline: 16 per 1,000 residents (1997) Update: 17 per 1,000 residents (1999) Target:8 per 1,000 residents Other measurable objectives
1-2. Health insurance coverage for clinical preventive services Baseline source: MEPS (potential) 1-3. Counseling about health behaviors Baseline source: 1-3a-e h, NHIS (2001); 1-3g NSFG (2003) 1-7. Core competencies in health provider training Baseline source: Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine ( proposed) Delay or difficulty in getting emergency care Baseline source: NHIS (2001) Rapid prehospital emergency care Baseline source: National EMS Information System (2002) Access to long-term care services Baseline source: NHIS (2001) Developmental objectives