Hanan Alyafei Portal Administrator Ministry Of Education Sultanate of Oman
History and Background Of Oman -Population 3,204,897 -Number of Regions - 9 -Number of Students 553,056 -Number of Schools1,052 -Basic Education (Two cycles) -Management System was Established in 1994 Centralize in 3 schools
Agenda: The Vision Challenges The Goals of the Portal Project Phases Portal Modules Portal Services Statistics
The Vision InternetInternet Oman Digital Society (Vision of the Ministry and the Sultanate)Oman Digital Society (Vision of the Ministry and the Sultanate) QualityQuality
Challenges Infrastructure (interent access -1997first net was introduce to schools -Hardware) resources(tariff of internet is just 52 US $) Human Resources ( training, resistance ) Society &Cultural causes (awareness) eContent Financial resources
The Goals of the PortalThe Goals of the Portal Connect the society with the ministry of education goals. Enhance the quality of education Provision of distance learning Support decision making Office automation Reduce costs Integration of the ministry within the framework of e-government
Project PhasesProject Phases First Phase Entering students and schools information-5 may 2006 launched at Second Phase Development of the Electronic financial system and the sultanate financial system present all the administrative services concern with HR employee and with Civil service system, the rest of schools will apply the system. Development of the Electronic financial system and the sultanate financial system Third Phase Integration with other ministries
Portal ModulesPortal Modules *School Management System *Learning Management System *Document Management System
Online Portal Services Online Portal Services Teachers Services Students reports Allocate students to activities Forums Chat services Communicate with students through e - learning Follow up students achievement etc.. Parents Services Student transfers Student registration Student registration Parents Enquiries Edit student data Mobile services School timetable Fax services est.. ect Students Services School timetable Exam Timetable Seat numbers for exams Exams premises information Optional subject for grade eleven Evaluation Report Virtual Classroom Services.
StatisticsStatistics Student and classes distribution by GradesStudent and classes distribution by Grades Students Statistics by Grades, Registration Status, and AgesStudents Statistics by Grades, Registration Status, and Ages Student distribution by Grade, Gender, and NationalityStudent distribution by Grade, Gender, and Nationality Student distribution by Grade, Gender, Nationality, and Registration StatusStudent distribution by Grade, Gender, Nationality, and Registration Status Student Transfer From/To SchoolStudent Transfer From/To School Student Elective SubjectsStudent Elective Subjects
Summary -Number of students registered in the portal 107,815 -Number of parents using the portal services 13,565
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