Thought of the Day Last week, we discussed Calvinism. What is Calvinism? What made it different from Martin Luther’s beliefs? Do you believe it is difficult to not share the same religious beliefs with someone and still get along? Write 5 complete sentences.
The Glorious Revolution
English Revolution -Struggle between king & Parliament (needed to define what role they should play in governing England) -James I believed in divine right of kings (received their power from God) -Parliament did not agree; believed they & king ran England together -Large number of Puritans (protestants inspired by Calvinism) in House of Lords
English Revolution -James I died; Charles I (his son) came to rule England -Parliament to pass law forbidding taxes without Parliament’s consent -At first, Charles accepted it- then changed his mind -Charles places more rituals in the church, frustrating Puritans decide to move to America
English Revolution -Supporters of King called the royalists or cavaliers -Supporters of Parliament called the roundheads; led by Oliver Cromwell (military genius) -Oliver gets rid of all people in Parliament that support king -Had Charles executed -Abolished monarchy & House of Lords -Declare England a commonwealth -couldn’t work with people in Parliament; let them go -Oliver ran England as a dictatorship until 1658
English Revolution -After Oliver’s death, George Monk fears England’s fate so restores monarchy to Charles II in 1660 (Restoration) -Parliament passed laws restoring Church of England as state religion -Charles II sympathetic to Catholicism -Charles dies with no heirs & brother James II is now king -James is Catholic -Parliament didn’t fight James because daughters were Protestant -2 nd wife has Catholic son
The Glorious Revolution -William of Orange & Mary (daughter of James) asked to invade England send troops to Torbay & marched to London -James sends wife & son to France -Almost no bloodshed Parliament offers William & Mary throne -Establish English Bill of Rights -Parliament make laws; Tax with Parliament consent -Right of people to bear arms; jury trial -Puritans worship freely -Constitutional monarchy- king acts within boundaries of constitution