Political Parties In the US 1787-1861. Today? What political parties currently exist in the US? When were they created? What are their positions? Philosophies?


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Presentation transcript:

Political Parties In the US

Today? What political parties currently exist in the US? When were they created? What are their positions? Philosophies?

The Beginning 1787 – Constitution of the United States –No political parties – not mentioned Caused some confusion –George Washington president – did not belong to a party President – most electoral college votes Vice President- Second most votes

First Political Parties 1790’s Split between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Both in Washington’s Cabinet, Each had different ideas of government and the future path for America

1790’s development of political parties –Problem – conflicting ideas –Election of 1796 – Adams elected President and Jefferson came in second becoming the Vice President Election of 1800 – Jefferson and Burr tied for President

12 th Amendment 1804 President and Vice President chosen separately –Would avoid ties and allow President and Vice- President to be from the same political party ( Remember electoral college members were given 2 votes each)

Later on in the 19 th century electoral college votes were based on popular vote of each state – so now the Vice President would be automatically elected with the president Yes American Politics is confusing!

Federalist Party- Hamilton/ Adams –Focus on industry, merchants, business, urban growth –Did not want too much western expansion –For increase in Federal government powers –Wanted Britain as a trading partners and ally

Republican Party – Jefferson/ Madison –Less powers for the Federal Gov –Agrarian/rural focus –Western expansion –State government powers –Alliance with France

War of 1812 End of the Federalist Party –Why? Weakened due to split between Adams and Hamilton Expansion West Did not support war – ( war became popular and seen as crucial to American Pride) Only 1 party now –Republican

But split in the 1924 election – a 4 way tie Andrew Jackson – Democrats-Republicans –( upset that he lost the election) John Quincy Adams – National Republicans –Elected president

Further Split in the 1830’s Democratic Party - Jackson Whig Party – named after a party in England to limit the King’s power

Democratic Party Andrew Jackson –Increased presidential power –Anti-national bank –Low taxes –Against big government and spending –Distrusted merchants and business leaders

Whig Party Henry Clay –Create a lager federal gov –Congressional Power –Modernization – industry, commercial development –Centralized economy –Slavery?

Demise of the Whig Party Split over Slavery - Compromise of 1850 Death of key leaders, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster Gone by the early 1850’s

Free Soil Party 1848 Opposition to extension of slavery in the western territories Short lived party most joined the Republicans an 1854

American Party Also called the Know-Nothing Party Opposed slavery but also opposed immigration and Roman Catholics

Republicans Republican Party - an extension of Whig policies After the passage of the Kansas- Nebraska Act in 1854 Opposed the extension of slavery –Combined Northern Whigs, Free Soil, Know Nothing and northern Democrat

Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 Popular Sovereignty – a vote on whether Slavery should exist Repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Started a war in the region “Bleeding Kansas” –Pro-slave settlers and Anti-slave settlers moved into the region and fought a Civil War Kansas had 2 governments during this time

Election of 1860? Republican – Abraham Lincoln Northern Democrat – Stephan Douglas Southern Democrat – John Breckenridge Constitutional Union -John Bell

1861 Civil War Slavery was the Key Issue