1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Experimental Facilities John Hill CFAC review October 18 th, 2006
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Beamlines 15 five m straights for user undulators Could potentially drive up to 30 beamlines by canting two undulators 4 eight m straights for user undulators Could potentially drive up to 12 beamlines by canting three undulators 8 eight m straights for user damping wigglers Could potentially drive up to 24 beamlines by canting three DWs 20 BM ports for UV and soft X-rays 10 BM ports for IR 5 large aperture for far-IR 5 regular aperture for mid/near-IR At least 57 beamlines Many more w/ mulitple IDs per straight (plus possible multiple hutches per beamline)
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamlines BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES IR hutch BM line Soft x-ray Undulator line (8m straight) BM line Hard x-ray Undulator line (5m straight) hard x-ray Undulator line (8m straight) Soft x-ray Undulator line (8m straight) Remote endstations Hard x-ray Undulator line (5m straight)
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamlines Superconducting Magnet NSLS II Experimental floor Conceptual or pre-conceptual designs exist for a number of beamlines: Inelastic X-ray Scattering Nanoprobe Hard x-ray Coherent scattering Soft x-ray Imaging and coherent scattering Soft x-ray resonant elastic and inelastic scattering High magnetic field High Energy Small Angle X-ray Scattering Infra-Red Imaging Damping Wigglers Protein Crystallography Electron Spectroscopy Bending Magnet
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Long Beamlines Heavy access door Utilities tray Optical pipe X-ray beamline Airlock X-ray enclosure
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Usage of Facility Type IDsBMsTotalIDsBMsTotal A IR/UV/soft x-ray spectroscopy B X-ray spectroscopy C soft-matter/biophysics scattering D hard matter/strongly correlated E powder/single Xtal/high-P/optics F Imaging/micro-probe G Macromolecular crystallography Totals NSLSNSLS-II Possible strawman beamline distribution and comparison with current NSLS usage:
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamline Distribution: Insertion Devices Beamline Type Blocked IR/UV/soft spect Soft Matter X-ray Spect. Powder/Hi-P/optics Hard Matter PX Imaging/Microprobe Open
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamline Type Blocked IR/UV/soft spect Soft Matter X-ray Spect. Powder/Hi-P/optics Hard Matter PX Imaging/Microprobe Open Beamline Distribution: Bending Magnets BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES
9 Tentative Process & Schedule st beamBO Ring bldg Construction Commiss- ioning LOI: Select BATs TDR Project BATs Initial BDTs Possible MIEs CDRTDR LOI: Select BDTs Full proposal CDRTDR Construction Commiss- ioning Possible MIEs ?
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Noise and Stability One issue users care a lot about is noise: Mechanical Isolate sources of noise Pay attention to vibration damping (thick slab) Electrical Clean (conditioned) power Dirty power High quality grounds for each RFI Shield NEXRAD Shield local sources (Storage Ring RF cavities)
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Facility will ultimately support ~60+ beamlines and >3000 users. Conceptual designs have been carried out for a number of beamlines to inform a detailed cost estimate, and a number of others at a pre-conceptual level. A small number of beamlines will be built as part of the construction project utilizing a trust fund approach. These will begin commissioning in Remaining beamlines will be built with other funds (MIE and other non-BES funds) and brought online in the following years.