The day after solar cycle 23 IHY 2009 September 23, 2009 Yu Yi 1 and Su Yeon Oh 2 1 Dept. of Astronomy & Space Science, Chungnam National University, Korea 2 Bartol Research Institute, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Delaware
I. Introduction Many solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic (SIG) activity parameters show a 11-year cycle in sync with Solar Sunspot Number (SSN). The SSN of about 400 year record is the key parameter in producing the proxy data of parameters with only observations since 1970’s. In history, the cooling times of Maunder and Dalton Minima are correlated with the low SSN activities.
The US Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel has renounced their consensus-based official(?) onset time of solar cycle 24 two times already : Mar (announced on Oct. 2006) =>> Mar ( revised on Apr. 2007) =>> Dec (revised on May 2009) =>> ? (to be revised one more time) However, the SIG parameters are still updating the record of unprecedented values. >>> Q: When is the solar activity minimum of solar cycle 23/24 ?
Up to date, only one model of solar forcing on climate (Svensmark & Friis-Christensen, 1997) : weaker IMF >> increased CR flux >> more cloud >> albedo increased >> cooling However, the cooling and warming patterns different in locations on the globe should be explained. >>> Q: What were SIG activity levels during Dalton and Maunder Minima ? >>> Q: What is the mechanism of solar cooling of the Earth in natural forcing?
Solar Magnetic Fields Solar Polar Magnetic Field (SPMF) The average magnetic field of the polar region over latitude 55 deg. measured by Stanford Solar Observatory (Scherrer et al. 1977a; Svalgaard, 1978) Solar Mean Magnetic Field (SMMF) The Sun-as-a-star mean magnetic field of full disk (Scherrer et al. 1977b)
DataPeriod Reference SPMF1976- Stanford Solar Observatory SMMF1975- IMF (IMP-8) Hourly data (National Space Science Data Center) (ACE) Daily data (ACE Science Center) Level 2 data; SSN1974- Monthly & Yearly (Solar Data Services of National Geophysical Data Center) cm Radio flux Monthly & Yearly (Solar Data Services of National Geophysical Data Center) TSI1978- Daily composite total solar irradiance (Physikalishch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos World Radiation Center) Ap index1974- Monthly & Yearly (Geomagnetic Data of National Geophysical Data Center) X-ray Flare1975- M & X-class (GOES) CR intensity1974- Monthly & Yearly (McMurdo: Antarctica, 77.9 S, E, 48 m altitude). Bartol Research Institute ( II. DATA
Strangeness of solar minimum of solar cycle 23/24
Spotless Sun >> The spotless days 723 days (up to Sep. 22, 2009) in current solar minimum of solar cycle 23/24 are the longest in record. >> The monthly mean SSN of Aug was absolute zero.
Details of SIG parameters in solar cycles
Maximum Sunspot Magnetic Field Strength
Abnormality of SIG parameters norm = ( max - min ) / 2 & mean = (max + min ) / 2 abnormality = (P (2008 or 2009) – mean ) / norm [%]
Climate change in 21 st century
HadCRUT3 is a global mean near-surface temperature. Has it turned into cooling or temporary stagnation ?
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The Arctic sea ice pack thawed to its third smallest size on record during the of 2009 since 1979, US government scientists said.
III. Conclusions The SIG data tell us Most of SIG activity parameters are still renewing the unprecedented records in Highly abnormal parameters are SPMF & IMF. In heliophysical and solar physics : IMF might be much weaker (~3 nT) during the Dalton and Maunder Minima than previously expected (~6 nT) in proxy calculation. Suggested research topic: How IMF magnitude variation changes the climate?
Conclusions - 2 Prediction (currently, not a science) On Aug. 2009, the length of solar cycle 23 becomes longer than years. Cooling period may come like Dalton Minimum or Maunder Minimum in worse case in natural forcing though. History of climate change scenarios Global Cooling in 1970s : man-made dirty air & aerosols due to fossil fuel Global Warming in 1990s : man-made CO 2 due to fossil fuel Warming in 21 st century : natural forcing by solar activities
Conclusions - 3 In UN politics : Establish the “International Climate Research Institute” out of political governance on science, where all the related data should be in public domain.