1 Possible Radiographic Errors Radiology
2 During Exposure Film is bent during set up and exposure Causing distortion Film is bent during set up and exposure Causing distortion
3 Elongation Vertical angulation error; not enough positive angle on max or negative angle on md
5 Foreshortening Also vertical angulation; too much angulation; correct by decreasing vertical angulation
7 Overlapping Incorrect horizontal angulation; cone is angled toward mesial or distal surfaces of teeth, instead of at interproximal areas *Evaluate film placement in regard to curve of arch, NOT pt;s face/cheeks Incorrect horizontal angulation; cone is angled toward mesial or distal surfaces of teeth, instead of at interproximal areas *Evaluate film placement in regard to curve of arch, NOT pt;s face/cheeks
9 Conecutting X-ray beam missed part of the film; film is only partially exposed
11 Clear Film Film was not exposed to any radiation
12 Double Exposure Film is exposed twice; results in blurred images or dark x-ray
14 Blurred Image Result from movement of pt’s head or tubehead or from film moving in pt’s mouth
15 Underexposed Film Light and has thin image; check the settings for mAs, kVs and exposure time; also occurs if cone is not positioned close enough to pt’s face
17 Overexposed Film Dark image; check settings again
19 Radiopaque Film Metal objects; check for and remove
20 Backward Film Placing film reversed causes image to be white and a herringbone pattern to be seen
22 Film Processing
23 Light film image Underprocessed; developing time too short, developing temp too low, developing solution weak from overuse and needs to be changed
24 Dark film image Over developing: developing solution temp too high, devel solution too stong, film left in devel too long
25 Fogged Film Gray appearance, film image detail is lost, contrast is lessened; improper storage conditions, outdated films, light leaks in processing room, light leaks on daylight loaders
27 Partial Image Solution levels are low
29 Film Artifacts Result from improper handling; water spots on unprocessed films leaves clear area; fixer on unprocessed film leaves white area; developer leaves black area; also, yellow/brown stain from not rinsing properly, black artifacts from static electicity, fluroide leaves fingerprint smudge; films which touch leave shape of edge or corner of film
30 Torn or Scratched Rough handling; leaves white area or mark on processed film
32 Air Bubbles on Film Trapped on film if not agitated when placed in processing solutions; leaves round white spots
33 Reticulation When film has been exposed to high temp then low temp; looks dried with tiny cracks
34 Streaks Dirty rollers or x-ray racks