Define the term Podcast Identify ways they are used Identify parts of a podcast Listening Activity Creating your First Podcast Locate podcasts that are of interest to students
A Podcast is a free audio or video series – like a radio or TV show made for download from the internet Podcasts can be listened to on Computers or on mp3 players.
Intro Introduces the podcast / what it will be about Generally has a short clip of music in the introduction Segments The number of segments depends on the topics being covered in the podcast Outro Ends the podcasts, tells people what’s in the next episode, and thanks them for listening Generally ends with a short clip of music
Sounds Effects Sounds used to enhance a Podcast Audience applause / laughter Buzzers / Bells/ Alarms Various other sounds
Listen to the 2 Podcasts and complete the Listening Activity Sheet Discussion about the Podcasts
In order for your podcast to be successful and appealing it must be well planned. What is it about What order do you want to present things in Intro / Outro Music what to use how long) Sound Effects When What kind
Last and most importantly What are you going to say. This should be scripted Edited Rehearsed Before it is recorded!!!
Podcast Listening Software Audio Editing Software Importing and Editing Audio Tracks Recording Audio
Podcasts can be downloaded to your computer and played using software such as iTunes. Podcasts can also be downloaded and played on many MP3 Players.
Use the links on my website (Canada Podcasts / Podcast Alley) to search for a podcast you would be interested in listening to. (Choose a podcast based on your interests / hobbies, etc.) Complete the Activity 1 sheet with the required information Be prepared to share with the class
We will be using a free program called Audacity. Audacity is loaded on all of our school computers.
Visit one of the free music sites and download 2 tracks to your computer Open Audacity on your computer Import Music to Audacity using the Project Menu – select Import Audio option Save your work
Experiment with the following features of audacity (under the Effects Menu) : Timeshift Cut Fade In Fade Out Save your work
Audacity can be used to record your audio tracks, click on the red record button to begin your track. In order to record you must have a microphone attached to your computer Experiment with recording your voice Save your work