Keys to Success: Utilizing Student-focused Strategies Carol L. Cwiak North Dakota State University Minard Hall, North Dakota State University
Program Program Ideology Ideology Educational Educational Model Model Keys to Success
“A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoverers are among them, as comets amongst the stars.” “A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoverers are among them, as comets amongst the stars.” ~ Carolus Linnaeus ~ Carolus Linnaeus ( ) ( )
Program Ideology Encourage student Encourage student growth in the areas that growth in the areas that are of interest to the are of interest to the student; student; Focus on building in Focus on building in scholarly skill sets and scholarly skill sets and filling gaps; filling gaps; Build excellence one Build excellence one student at a time. student at a time.
Emergency Management Educational Model CurriculumInternships Functional Application
Curriculum Interdisciplinary; Interdisciplinary; Emergency Management & Sociology – primary; Emergency Management & Sociology – primary; Anthropology, Communication, Natural Resource Anthropology, Communication, Natural Resource Management, Criminal Justice, etc. – secondary; Management, Criminal Justice, etc. – secondary; Mix of traditional and seminar offerings; Mix of traditional and seminar offerings; Guest lecturers and visiting professors utilized; and, Guest lecturers and visiting professors utilized; and, Focus on research & writing. Focus on research & writing.
Functional Application Course assignments emphasize utilization of Course assignments emphasize utilization of critical skill sets; critical skill sets; Focus on real world EM assignments, issues, and Focus on real world EM assignments, issues, and evaluation; evaluation; Provide wide variety of hands-on opportunities Provide wide variety of hands-on opportunities that allow for knowledge application and service to that allow for knowledge application and service to the community; the community; Focus on building a “scholar”. Focus on building a “scholar”.
Internships Program requirement; Program requirement; Typically three credits – approximately 150 contact Typically three credits – approximately 150 contact hours; hours; Tailored to individual student’s interests & goals; Tailored to individual student’s interests & goals; Build relationships for students & credibility for Build relationships for students & credibility for program; program; Contribute to and innovate the field incrementally Contribute to and innovate the field incrementally without being threatening; without being threatening; Bring education to life. Bring education to life.
Final Thought “Coming together is a beginning. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Working together is success.” ~ Henry Ford ~ Henry Ford
Contact Information Carol L. Cwiak Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Emergency Management North Dakota State University P.O. Box 5075 Fargo, ND (701)