InvestigatorAffiliationInvestigatorAffiliation A. AllenU.S. Coast GuardL. AtkinsonOld Dominion University A. F. BlumbergStevens Institute of Technology W. BoicourtUniversity of Maryland W. BrownUniversity of Massachusetts M. BrunoStevens Institute of Technology D. ChapmanUniversity of DelawareA. CopeNOAA Mount Holly WFO A.GangopadhyayUniversity of Massachusetts T. HerringtonStevens Institute of Technology D. HollowayOPeNDAPE. HowlettApplied Science Associates D. KingUniversity of MarylandJ. KohutRutgers University B. LipphardtUniversity of DelawareA.MacDonaldMonmouth University J. McDonnellRutgers UniversityJ. MoisanNASA Wallops J. O’DonnellUniversity of ConnecticutM. OliverRutgers University O. SchofieldRutgers UniversityH. SeimUniversity of North Carolina J. TitlowWeatherFlow Inc.D. UllmanUniversity of Rhode Island J. WilkinRutgers UniversityR. WilsonSUNY, Stony Brook W. WittmanPublic Service Electric & Gas M. YaroshCIT A. VorosNY/NJ COASTS. GlennRutgers University 30 Co-PIs, 20 Institutions Surface current and wave validation of a nested multi- static regional HF radar network in the Mid-Atlantic Bight NWS WFOs Std Radar Sites Mesonet Stations LR HF Radar Sites Glider AUV Tracks USCG SLDMB Tracks NDBC Offshore Platforms CODAR Daily Average Currents Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras: ~1000 km Coastline
Regional Theme 1: Maritime Safety – Search And Rescue Before HF Radar After HF Radar MARCOOS Regional Observations Coast Guard SAROPS Weatherflow USCG
USCG Area of SAR Responsibility
SLDMB Deployments 1 Jan 2006 – 31 Dec 2007
CG wide SAR Statistics FYCasesLives Saved ‘0529,7805,648 ’0628,3235,290 ’0727,0905,175
Create a SAR case when alerted Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Evaluate the completed search Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Evaluate the completed search Repeat above until survivors are found and rescued Search & Rescue Problem
SAROPS Interface
EDS Catalog Server THREDDS OPeNDAP Winds Currents Drifters Weather Catalog DB SAROPS Client Web Client Internet Web Services
Example EDS Data Sources Currents NAVO Global NCOM NOAA NCEP HYCOM NOS Regional ADCIRC CODAR Regional Models Other… Bluelink, Satellite Data(AOML), commercial Winds FNMOC NOGAPS FNMOC COAMPS NOAA NCEP NAM NOAA NCEP GFS NOAA NDFD* NOAA NDBC Regional Models (e.g GLERL) Other… commercial
Example EDS Data Sources Currents NAVO Global NCOM NOAA NCEP HYCOM NOS Regional ADCIRC CODAR Regional Models Other… Bluelink, Satellite Data(AOML), commercial Winds FNMOC NOGAPS FNMOC COAMPS NOAA NCEP NAM NOAA NCEP GFS NOAA NDFD* NOAA NDBC Regional Models (e.g GLERL) Other… commercial
26 Sites
Regional Theme 1: Maritime Safety Search And Rescue Product Flow Chart MARCOOS QA/QC HF Radar Data ROMS (Rutgers) STPS, (UConn) HOPS (SMAST) NYHOPS (Stevens) YEAR 2 YEAR 1 SAROPS
US Coast Guard SAROPS Testbed QA/QC Goals: Ensure that data going to Coast Guard is within uncertainty estimates defined in SAROPS Standardize settings among 26 current sites. Continue research on new algorithms/settings Models SAROPS
US Coast Guard SAROPS Testbed In Partnership with - USCG R&D Center - USCG Office of SAR - URI (Dave Ullman) July 26-September February 24 – April Drifters 51 Days 2 Drifters 45 Days
Tuckerton HF radar grid
Drifter to Drifter Comparisons
Abs[Codar-drifter] (cm/s) RMS: cm/s R 2 : 0.62
East Component RMS: 8.5 cm/s R 2 :0.76 NP:929 North Component RMS: 11.7 cm/s R 2 :0.40 NP:929 Total Vector Comparisons
Test and Evaluate QA/QC Procedures UNC-CH (Seim and Haines) - First Order Lines - MUSIC Parameters ODU (Garner and Atkinson) - Real-time Diagnostics - Baseline Comparisons Rutgers (Kohut, Roarty, Lichtenwalner) - Merging Algorithm - Antenna Pattern Sensitivity - Nearshore waves and Currents
Test and Evaluate QA/QC Procedures UNC-CH (Seim and Haines) - First Order Lines - MUSIC Parameters ODU (Garner and Atkinson) - Real-time Diagnostics - Baseline Comparisons Rutgers (Kohut, Roarty, Lichtenwalner) - Merging Algorithm - Antenna Pattern Sensitivity - Nearshore waves and Currents
How CODAR Averages… Time Series Cross-spectra Radial Files 11:00 12:00 13:00 RadsSITE_04_04_21_1200
Test and Evaluate QA/QC Procedures Original Algorithm RMS: 11.7 cm/s R 2 :0.55 NP:783 Vector Count Min:2 Max:4 Avg:2.8 New Algorithm RMS: 10.8 cm/s R 2 : 0.60 NP:842 Vector Count Min:3 Max:12 Avg:6.8
Test and Evaluate QA/QC Procedures UNC-CH (Seim and Haines) - First Order Lines - MUSIC Parameters ODU (Garner and Atkinson) - Real-time Diagnostics - Baseline Comparisons Rutgers (Kohut, Roarty, Lichtenwalner) - Merging Algorithm - Antenna Pattern Sensitivity - Nearshore waves and Currents
HF Radar derived Wave Evaluation Longterm trends and focused process studies
Transition Through the Storm
HF Radar derived Wave Evaluation Nearshore bathymetric effects Inversion: deep to shallow (Lipa and Barrick) Linear dispersion vs. depth Refraction: Snell’s Law Present Algorithm Nearshore Algorithm CODAR In Situ
Test and Evaluate QA/QC Procedures UNC-CH (Seim and Haines) - First Order Lines - MUSIC Parameters ODU (Garner and Atkinson) - Real-time Diagnostics - Baseline Comparisons Rutgers (Kohut, Roarty, Lichtenwalner) - Merging Algorithm - Antenna Pattern Sensitivity - Nearshore waves and Currents December 2007 – February 2008
MARCOOS is providing regional surface current observations to the Coast Guard through SAROPS MARCOOS will provide regional surface current forecasts to the Coast Guard through SAROPS MARCOOS QA/QC team is continually testing new algorithms to further lower uncertainties of surface current and nearshore wave estimates. Summary