Fibonacci Sequence A Mathematics Webquest
Menu IntroductionIntroduction TaskTask ProcessProcess EvaluationEvaluation ResourcesResources ConclusionConclusion
Introduction The Fibonacci Sequence is one of the most interesting and fascinating mathematical concepts out there…and not only to mathematicians! The numbers in the sequence turn up in places that you have probably seen and many that you haven’t. They’re found in nature, art, music, literature, television, movies and more! Hopefully you can find them in a place that interests you. Menu
Task In this webquest, you will explore Leonardo Fibonacci’s life, learn about the numbers that are named for him and seek out places these numbers turn up. Within your quest, there will be many questions to be answered. You will type the answers to the questions using Microsoft Word. Menu
Process This webquest will have 3 different tasks. Research the life of Leonardo Fibonacci. List five facts about his life. In researching #1, you should have come across an explanation of the Fibonacci Sequence. (If not, keep researching.) Give the first 15 elements (numbers) in the Fibonacci Sequence and explain how to find the 16 th element. Menu
Process 3. Now for the fun part. Let’s see where we can find these numbers. a. Music…Tool uses the Fibonacci Sequence in their song and album Lateralus. Watch this video. Menu 6p6Ss6I1ER4 ACTION ITEM: Now, either do some more research (watch some of the other youtube videos about Tool and Fibonacci) to find at least one other way that Tool uses the Fibonacci Sequence, OR Find a different song by a different artist in which the sequence is used.
Process You must do the Action Item for part a (Music). Choose two of the remaining three Action Items b. Nature… Follow the link below. Click on and read the section titled “Fibonacci Rectangles and Shell Spirals” sites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibnat.html Menu ACTION ITEM: Now, explore the rest of the page and summarize two other places in nature where you can find the Fibonacci Sequence.
Process Movies/Literature… Perhaps you’ve read the novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, or have seen the movie based on the novel. In the story, Robert Langdon knows that a code is being used because he recognizes the Fibonacci Numbers in a jumbled order written on the museum floor. The numbers come up again later on in the story. Watch the following clip. Menu ACTION ITEM: What 10 digit code was used by Robert Langdon to retrieve the safety deposit box? Find another movie or book that references the Fibonacci numbers.
Process d. Art and Architecture… The Parthenon in Greece was built using the Golden Ratio…the ratio of any two consecutive Fibonacci numbers (1:1.618) Menu ACTION ITEM: Find two other places you can find the Fibonacci Sequence and/or the Golden Ratio in Architecture and Art.
Evaluation The rubric for this webquest can be found by following this link… Menu
Resources In addition to the sites already linked, you may find the following sites helpful: Menu
Conclusion I hope that you have enjoyed your exploration of the Fibonacci sequence. Now you see that math is very much all around you, in everything you see and do, whether it be art, music, or movies. Menu