Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 Sustainable Development Partnership work programme discussion Designing the social, physical and green infrastructure – ensuring facilities and services match our plans for economic growth
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 Commit resources and open doors Provide challenge, leadership and strategic input Bring together input and contribution of key partners Ensure infrastructure work supports our key strategies – regeneration, housing, transport and planning Ensure strategic links made between infrastructure work and Sustainable Community Strategy priorities and community cohesion theme Problem solve, if problems arise Key question: What can this Partnership usefully do in relation to infrastructure planning?
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 Public perceptions on likely impact of regeneration Nothing in this will benefit `people like me’ Changes will benefit `new arrivals’ not existing residents and businesses What about pressure on school places? What about pressure on health facilities? What about pressure on community groups? What about pressure on traffic and parking? What about pressure on open space? What about impact on air quality and noise? All combine to contribute to some `fear of change’
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 Community Cohesion and Infrastructure Planning Against background of these public concerns, need to appreciate contribution EFFECTIVE infrastructure planning can make to community cohesion `A key contributor to community cohesion is integration which is what must happen to enable new residents and existing residents to adjust to each other’ [DCLG] `Ways of living together need to include:- - shared vision and sense of belonging - focus on what new and existing communities have in common, alongside recognition of value of diversity - strong and positive relationships between people from different backgrounds’ [DCLG] Level and quality of public services and facilities is a key determinant
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 Statutory requirements for infrastructure planning Local Development Framework must set out spatial vision, strategy and objectives for next 15 years, and do so in line with sustainable development principles and Sustainable Community Strategy priorities Planning Policy Statement 12 = local authorities must demonstrate necessary social, physical and green infrastructure provided to support delivery of Core Strategy vision Likely to be tested in Comprehensive Area Assessment and by Planning Inspectorate
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 What does infrastructure include? Roads and other transport facilities Utilities and flood defences Schools and other educational facilities Medical facilities Open space, sporting and recreational facilities Affordable housing Tangible facilities & physical provision needed to support – railway tracks, pipes/cables, buildings, open spaces etc
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 HousingNo. of new homes Lewisham town centre3,400 Catford town centre1,950 Deptford New Cross (DNX)2,050 DNX Mixed Use employment locations7,400 South of the borough750 Existing commitments elsewhere in borough2,100 Future commitments elsewhere in borough4,000 TOTAL21,650 Scale of infrastructure planning needed - potential development allocation by 2025 (Strategic Spatial Option 1)
Deptford New Cross Masterplan
Canon Wharf
Route 1 – Deptford to New Cross Gate
Lewisham Town Centre Area Action Plan
Lewisham Gateway
Loampit Vale
Cornmill Gardens
Bromley Road Masterplan
Forest Hill Masterplan
London & Quadrant – Clyde Terrace
Hither Green Masterplan
Nightingale Grove and Staplehurst Road
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 Current infrastructure planning work Working with GLA to refine population projections and growth distribution around Lewisham Preparing Implementation Schedule to support LDF Core Strategy, needed by September Education topic paper drafted - Further nine papers being drafted Establishing ongoing structures and mechanisms to oversee delivery of required infrastructure Establishing a `virtual’ operational group to support work, with involvement across wide range of agencies
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 What should the Partnership do? Help focus on Lewisham as a place and think holistically about infrastructure needs Reduce duplication and associated costs Adopt common assumptions about future growth (amount + location) Share more information on assets, standards and strategies Identify opportunities for better integrated service delivery and better use of assets
Infrastructure planning Sustainable Development Partnership 21 April 2009 What should the Partnership do? Monitoring progress on delivery and make strategic input when timely Consider six monthly performance reports setting out progress on delivery of Infrastructure Schedule, starting October 2009 Identify any necessary action including any necessary additional support needed by partners where delivery off target Report progress annually to LSP Board Act as link officers into their organisations to help provide contacts and problem solve, if needed