Please have a SN Level 1 book (Signing Naturally) for you to view (each signing team needs at least one book per two students to view); You will be typing and ing me your assignment as a group As time remains, you will begin your 1 minute projects!
Gloss = writing one word for each sign; written in capital letters; ASL word order (TIME) OBJECT SUBJECT VERB Example: “The boy goes to school.” BOY SCHOOL GO Adjectives are after nouns GIRL HAPPY (“The girl is happy”).
NAME ME (spell your name) “My name is …” ______________________whq_ YOU NAME YOU WHAT “What’s your name?” NICE MEET YOU “Nice to meet you.” BOY IX ELEMENTARY-SCHOOL IX “The boy goes to elementary school.” --IX =point/index FRENCH ME DON’T-KNOW “I don’t know French.” SIGN ME LEARN “I am learning sign language.” SIT NO, STAND-UP “Do not sit, stand!”
1“The teacher knows English.” 2“The student knows Spanish.” 3“The man goes to college.” 4“The woman is a teacher.” 5“The girl is deaf, the boy is hearing.” 6“No, that is not right.” 7“What school do you go to?” (hint: you only need three signs) 8“Turn on the lights.” 9“Close the door, and open a window.” 10“Don’t draw, write!” Remember: (time) Object, Subject, Verb
Look at signs from units 3 and 4 in your book- try to sign them (I will sign the ones with no English translation or picture later). How many can you understand? Then, open the Project instructions sheet on our website. These are INDIVIDUAL projects (not group work). You may help each other, but do your own work.