Digital Rights and Responsibilities Made by: Blake, John, Brion, and Cody -Plagiarism -Places to find copyrighted material with permission to use -Cyber.


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Presentation transcript:

Digital Rights and Responsibilities Made by: Blake, John, Brion, and Cody -Plagiarism -Places to find copyrighted material with permission to use -Cyber bullying -Digital rights -Privacy -Rules for keeping your personal information private -Rights to use information -Example of stealing copyrighted material -Opinion/Expression of speech -Stealing personal information -Bibliography Supporters were Beth K. and Jamie T.

 Plagiarism is an act of stealing on the internet. If you copy and paste from the Internet it is plagiarism. Copyrighted material is music, literature, photos, videos etc. that give the producers exclusive rights to sell. No one can use this material without permission. Plagiarism is an act of stealing on the internet Plagiarism

 Places to find copyrighted material with permission to use.  Creative Commons (music, video, photos) Creative Commons  Flickr (photos) Flickr  Jamendo (music) Jamendo

Presentation on Cyber BullyingCyber Bullying * Click on the above movie to watch

Digital Rights  Privacy  Rights to use information  Opinion/Expression of speech

 Digital privacy is an important right to keep. It is being able to keep your personal information away from predators. It also keeps you from getting your identity stolen. Privacy

Rules for keeping your personal information private  Never share passwords or accounts with anyone  Never use a passwords such as a first or last name  Never give personal information such as where you live out  Never give out your age  Always put in an answer to a question to keep accounts safe  Never put your username as your password

Rights to use information  You have the rights to look at information, study it, but never copy it. Copying it would be breaking the law and also would show how untrustworthy and irresponsible you are.

Examples of stealing copyrighted material  Videoing movies at a theatre and selling them  Taking pictures off of the internet and selling or using them as your own.  Downloading recorded music from illegal downloading sites.  Copying movies from a DVD.  Copying and pasting articles, web pages, or any written information and calling it your own.

Opinion/expression of speech  You should always control yourself on what you say. On the internet you have time to write down what you want to say before you publish, send or upload.  You have a responsibility to reread and edit what you say so that it sounds professional, clear, and is responsible.

 If you publish confidential information online for a company you are working at it is breaking the law.  If you publish untrue facts that can potentially hurt a person’s character it is also illegal

B IBLIOGRAPHY  ism.html ism.html  cyber-bullying.aspx cyber-bullying.aspx