Environmental Reform in Asia: Comparisons, Challenges, Next Steps by David A. Sonnenfeld & Arthur P. J. Mol Journal of Environment and Development, 15(2, June) © 2006 Sage Publishers Figures from…
Fig. 1. Carbon Dioxide Emissions, (WRI 2003; UN 2005)
Fig. 2. Ozone Depleting Emissions, Kg ODP CFCs per 1000 people (log) (UNEP 2003)
Fig. 3. Water Pollution (BOD), Kg BOD per day, per worker (World Bank 2003)
Fig. 4. Solid Waste Generation, (National Datasets)
Fig. 5. Environmental Governance, Japan Thailand Japan Singapore China (UNEP-RRCAP 2003) States Taiwan India S. Korea Indonesia India TaiwanChina Malaysia S. Korea Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Singapore
Fig. 6. Multilateral Environmental Accords, Participants (WRI 2003; UNEP 2003; UN sites) India Thailand Japan India Vietnam
Fig. 7. Private Sector Leadership, Firms w/ ISO certification (log) (WRI 2005)
Fig. 8. Environmental Complaints, (National Datasets)