Unit Ten L/C amendment and extension 国际经贸学院 李金萍
In this unit , you will learn : Why should the seller or the buyer need to amend an LC? The procedure of an LC amend or extend. How to write a letter on LC amendment or extension? The structure of Letters on urging an LC? some useful words. phrases and sentences.
催开信用证信函的结构 1. XX 合同项下的货物已经备妥,相关 信用证还未收到; 2. 请速开证,以便及时装运; 3. 感谢合作。
Dear Sirs We wish to inform you that 800 bicycles under S/C No. 268 have been ready for shipment for a long time, but we have not received the relative L/C up to now. Please open the L/C as soon as possible in order to enable us to effect shipment in time. Your cooperation in this respect will be highly appreciated! Sincerely yours
Dear sirs we wish to point out that the goods under our S/C No.112(your Order No.4873) have been ready for shipment for quite some time. We have been waiting for the arrival of your L/C, but to our regret, no L/C has been received by us nor have we heard anything from you in this respect. Please let us know upon receipt of this L/C weather you have any difficult in opening the L/C. We look forward to your further news! Sincerely yours
信用证展期信函的结构 1. XX 合同项下的信用证已经收到; 2. 展期的原因; 3. 信用证的装船期和有效期延展至 … ; 修改通知书到达时间; 4. 感谢你方的合作!
Dear Sirs While thank you for your L/C No. NSW6180 for/against our S/C 89STX-5491 for 1000 Sewing Machines, we regret that an extension of the above L/C is requested. As stipulated in ….( P177) Please be informed that your L/C NO. NSW6180 for/against our S/C No.89STX has just been received.
Dear Sirs We are pleased to have received your L/C No.H-15 issued by the Charted Bank of Liverpool for/against our S/C No.187. To our regret, owing to the late arrival of the steamer on which we have booked space, it is impossible for us to ship the goods within the stipulated time. Therefore, you are requested to extend the shipment date and the validity of …
请将 112 号信用证的装船日期和有效 期分别延展至 2013 年 5 月 15 日和 6 月 1 日。 Please extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C No.112 to May 15, 2013 and June 1, 2013 respectively. Please extend your L/C No.112 to May 15, 2013 and June 1, 2013 for shipment and negotiation respectively.
信用证修改函的结构: XX 合同项下的信用证已经收到, 经审核发现的不符点。不符点如下: 货物已经备妥待运,请速改证。 感谢你方的合作
Dear Sirs we are glad to inform you that your L/C No.H-15 issued by the Chartered Bank of Liverpool for our S/C No. 187 has just been received. On examing the clauses therein, we find with regret that certain points are not in compliance with the terms of our contract. The discrepancies are as follows :
1.The commission should be 3%, not 6%; 2. shipment should be effected during 0ct. and Nov, not on or before 30 Oct. 3. the goods should be insured for 110% of the invoice value, instead of 150%. As the goods has been ready for shipment, please amend your L/C by telecommunication immediately. Your cooperation in this respect will be highly appreciated! Sincerely yours
Dear Sirs Please be informed that we have received your L/C No On examination we find it contains certain discrepancies. Please amend the L/C as follows : 1. Insert the word “about” before the quantity ; 2.delete the clause “ by direct steamer”, and insert the wording “ partial shipments and transshipment are allowed”. The shipment date is approaching, you are requested to amend the L/C immediately!. Thank you for your cooperation in advance! Yours truely
Dear sirs We have received your L/C No.4936 for 4000 dozen for Poplin Shirts. On checking, we find that your L/C prohibits transshipment and requires the shirts to be packed in one-dozen carton boxes, while our contract stipulates that the shirts are packed in half-dozen carton boxes. As for shipment, because there is no direct steamer sailing for your port, transshipment is necessary.
therefore, you are requested to amend the L/C as “ Transshipment is allowed ” and “ the shirts are packed in half-dozen carton boxes ”. Your prompt attention to this matter will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely
Exercises Ⅳ Exercises Ⅴ Additional Exercises: Write a letter to Messrs Simpson &Kemp Co. requesting them to amend L/C No.245 covering 4000 dozen of poplin shirts by allowing transshipment, and packing in half-dozen carton boxes instead of in one-dozen ones. Exercises