The KiDS survey
VISTA 4m telescope 0.6 sq.deg. InfraRed camera 16 2kx2k detectors 0.35” pixels VST 2.6m telescope 1 sq.deg. optical camera (OmegaCAM) 32 2kx4k detectors 0.21” pixels PARANAL OBSERVATORY 250 nights 440 nights
The VST (Naples obs.) VST: 2.6m f/5.5, 1.4 deg field, active primary mirror Only one instrument: OmegaCAM = 16k x 16k CCD camera Operational in 2008
OmegaCAM 300 million pixels, 36 CCDs
Active optics / autofocus
60 b= b= sq.deg. in ugriZYJHK sq.deg. in i (+UKIDSS YJHK) SDSS + UKIDSS 2dF
KIDS + VIKING VST/OmegaCAM: 1 sq deg, 2.6m telescope VISTA/VISTACAM: 0.6 sqdeg, 4m telescope 1500 sq.deg. of ugri (~400n VST) + ZYJHK (~200n VISTA) Deeper in r, with good seeing VST 2m deeper than SDSS (1m shallower than CFHTLS) VISTA 1.5m deeper than UKIDSS <0.7” (40%) ” (20%) ” (20%) Dark (50%)r’g’u’ Grey (15%)--- Bright (35%)i’ filterExp time (s) Medn seeing (“) 5- 2” AB u’ g’ r’ i’ filterExp (s) 5- 2” AB cf. UKIDSS Z Y J H K
VST status New mirrors on the mountain Telescope main structure on mountain Mirror cell + actuators redesigned Commissioning 1st half 2008.
To Paranal
Aug 3: On Paranal !
Summary 1500 sq.deg. U - K survey (9 bands) Photoz’s with few outliers Lensing from r band images (z med ~0.8) Dark energy from BAO, wk.lensing, gg lensing Main focus will be galaxy-galaxy lensing