Project Technology Branch Code PMF NASA Ames Research Center Craig R. McCreight, Chief Detector team (Cryo team not listed) Kim EnnicoRoy Johnson John EstradaMark McKelvey Jam FarhoomandBob McMurray John GoebelNick Scott Dzung Hoang
Project Technology Branch Code PMF NASA Ames Research Center Projects have included: IRAS detectors Spitzer IRAC SCA development and testing Spitzer IRS SCA testing Spitzer MIPS mux development and testing GPB detector development and testing JWST NIRCam SCA testing JWST NIRSpec SCA testing JWST MIRI SCA development and testing JH/APL H1RG radiation testing
Project Technology Branch Code PMF NASA Ames Research Center IRAC detector development: CRC228 58x62 Si:As BIB and Si:Ga CRC x256 Si:As BIB CRC x256 Si:As BIB CRC x256 Si:As BIB (flight parts) IRS detectors testing: Rockwell 10x50 and 20x64 multiplexers Rockwell 128x128 Si:As and Si:Sb BIBs MIPS multiplexer testing CRC696, development of SB190
Hollywood SIRTF Significant Role in Spitzer’s Infrared Array Camera Channel 3 (5.8 µm) and Channel 4 (8.0 µm) Flight Candidates screened and selected in Ames Lab
Project Technology Branch Code PMF NASA Ames Research Center Gravity Probe B Stanford project John Goebel/Nick Scott Guide star telescope light detectors Silicon photodiodes with FET preamps
Project Technology Branch Code PMF NASA Ames Research Center JWST NIRCam: IR and proton testing of RVS SB291/SB305 and of Rockwell H1RG/H2RG megapixel 5µm hybrids for downselect NIRSpec: low-background and proton testing of H1RG-HgCdTe 5µm hybrid array MIRI: testing and development, SB305-Si:As BIB 28µm hybrid arrays
Explorer Technology / Origins IR Detector Development World’s Largest Si:As Mid-IR Detector for Moderate Backgrounds - First prototype of detectors for passively cooled Explorers and SOFIA Fruitful SF / SS Collaboration; Device fabricated by Raytheon IR Center of Excellence Program leverages strongly on ongoing SF detector development for Origins 1024 x 1024 pixels 28 x 28 mm area
Early Cryo CMOS 1024 Si:As Hybrid tested at NASA ARC in x 1024 InSb Hybrid SCA on SB-291 ROIC in 2002 JWST prototype arrays and readouts
SCA985 IR Response NASA Ames Research Center
Project Technology Branch Code PMF NASA Ames Research Center Far-IR detectors: Ge:Ga unstressed to 120µm GaAs n-type photoconductors to 300µm Current ROSS funded far-IR Multiplexer development to create 2D arrays
2 K muxes for SOFIA Bare mux in low-noise test dewar 32-channel mux (SB-190) with 4 Ge:Ga detectors
Project Technology Branch Code PMF NASA Ames Research Center Johns Hopkins/Applied Physics Laboratory Imaging Spectrometer for Icy Satellites (ISIS) H1RG multiplexer radiation testing to 100, 200, and 300krad(Si) Possible radiation testing of HgCdTe 4.2µm cutoff arrays