Robert’s Rules of Order
Why Do we need it?
It’s More Than Just Motions
Help in general meetings Conduct business one item at a time. Let committees do their work. Don’t allow crosstalk. Limit discussion to the topic at hand. Cut off discussion when it becomes redundant.
Agendas Welcome Approval of minutes (from last meeting) Committee reports Unfinished business New business Announcements (including date and time of the next meeting) Adjournment
Six steps to making a motion 1. A member stands up, is recognized, and makes a motion. 2. Another member seconds the motion. 3. The presiding officer restates the motion to the assembly. 4. The members debate the motion. 5. Presiding officer asks for the affirmative votes & then the negative votes. 6. The presiding officer announces the result of the voting instructs the corresponding officer to take action; and introduces the next item of business.
Five ways to modify a motion 1. Between the time that a motion is made and before the chair states the motion. 2. After the chair has stated the motion. 3. By means of the subsidiary motion to Amend. 4. If a motion requires further study. 5. Sometimes the motion is so complex.
Three Ways to Amend a Motion 1. You can Move to Amend by Inserting words or paragraphs. 2. You can Move to Amend by Striking out (not deleting) words or paragraphs. 3. You can Move to Amend by Striking out and Inserting words or paragraphs.
Trivia Time!
Can the Presiding Officer Vote? YES!
Can We Vote No Confidence? NO!
Does “Call the Question” End Debate? NO!
Is Majority “More Than Half” or “50% Plus One”? NO!
Can I Withdraw My Regisnation? YES!
Do Abstention Votes Count? NO!
Do Abstention Votes Count? YES!
Do Abstention Votes Count? Sometimes…
Do Abstention Votes Count? What is the quorum for voting? Is it of the votes counted? Is it of the voters present?
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