Denise Coffey MSN, RN
With more than 3 million members, the nursing profession is the largest segment of the nation’s health care workforce. Working on the front lines of patient care, nurses have a direct effect on patient care National Research Council. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, DID YOU KNOW?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Projections released in February 2012, the Registered Nursing workforce is the top occupation in terms of job growth through It is expected that the number of employed nurses will grow from 2.74 million in 2010 to 3.45 million in 2020, an increase of 712,000 or 26%. The projections further explain the need for 495,500 replacements in the nursing workforce bringing the total number of job opening for nurses due to growth and replacements to 1.2 million by DID YOU KNOW?
This is a five week course that presents a continuation of the concepts of mobility and safety, emphasizing care of the aging patient and alterations in neurosensory, central, and peripheral nervous systems across the lifespan. WELCOME TO NRS 221
You will continue to develop critical thinking and clinical judgment skills when caring for the adult and pediatric patients who experience alterations in neurosensory, central, and peripheral nervous systems. National Patient Safety Goals ( NPSG) and Quality Safety and Education for Nurses QSEN) are also examined WELCOME TO NRS 221
The best way to reach me is via I will respond to your within 24 hours except on the weekend, you can expect a response the following Monday. Office location: MS145 Phone: NRS 221 CONTACT INFORMATION
All course information will be kept in the Angel learning network. Information on how to access course information can be found on the nursing website www. Please familiarize yourself with the course outline! *You are responsible for information presented in the course outline* COURSE OUTLINE
4 quizzes lowest score dropped average of 3 quizzes 10% of grade 2 exams: midterm week 3 30%of grade, final 50%of grade given week 5 Evolve case scenario required project 10% of grade Please be sure to check the nursing website ( for policy updates Please be sure to understand the nursing program policy handbook COURSE OUTLINE HIGHLIGHTS
Lecture will be held in BS 209 from 9am to 11:50am The power points in Angel are a resource for you Theory class will consist of case scenarios, brief lecture, NCLEX questions (please bring your iclickers) and group projects I have included a number of online resources, please access them prior to class in order to facilitate discussion THEORY CLASS
Please be sure to be punctual and professional. Familiarize yourself with the clinical objectives in the course outline. Clinical instructors: UMPC : Denise Coffey Sessions A, B and C Monday clinical 7a-7pm ACE unit ( acute care of the elderly) RWJH: Claudette Spencer Session A Lucille Thalismond Sessions B and C Wednesday clinical 7a-7pm Telecentral CLINICAL
Please meet your clinical instructor in the lobby of the hospital on the first day of clinical Orientation and computer training will take place the first day of clinical, please wear your uniforms CLINICAL
There will be a Medication Calculation test given in week 1 of clinical lab. Students must achieve a grade of 90% or higher to pass the test. Any student that does not achieve 90% or greater will have the opportunity to remediate and re-take another Medication Calculation test by week 2. Students are not allowed to pass medication in clinical until they achieve a 90% or greater. *********STUDENTS MUST ACHIEVE A 90% OR GREATER ON THE MEDICATION CALCULATION TEST TO RECEIVE A PASSING GRADE IN THIS COURSE******** CLINICAL DOSAGE CALCULATION MATH EXAM
The goal is to have a hands on learning environment. College Lab Guide will be posted in Angel Lab instructor Thursdays: Kimberlee Franken MS 215 COLLEGE LAB
The required project is 2 Evolve case studies An average of the 2 case studies will comprise the required project grade I will review applicable (to NRS 221) case studies during lecture of week 1 The case studies are to be completed by Tuesday of Week 5 REQUIRE PROJECT
A HESI med/surg exam will be given on December 17, 2012 at 9am in LA215/216 This is a course requirement, if you do not take the exam you will not be able to move on to the next semester. HESI EXAM
Please access Angel and complete the 5 question quiz under the lesson tab by August 24 th. ORIENTATION QUIZ
Please be sure to stay in touch with me. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Office hours will be on Mondays and Tuesdays If those times do not work. other arrangements can be made. COMMUNICATION
We want you to succeed in our nursing program! Please be sure to utilize resources available to you. The course outline lists links and resources. I am here to help you! SUCCESS!