Innovation in Health Care Delivery: Building the Seamless Care System Kathryn Correia President Appleton Medical Center Theda Clark Medical Center Senior Vice President ThedaCare
Mission: To improve the health of our communities Horizontally integrated healthcare delivery system with 40 sites & 5,500 employees 22 Counties, 1 Million People 4 Hospitals 26 Clinic Sites, 184 Providers 6 ASCs Senior Service Campus Home Care/Hospice Behavioral Health Occupational Health Community Partnerships
Collaborative Care Case Study The Innovation Complete redesign of acute care True north for two hospitals Irrespective of diagnosis Synergistic model built with lean principles Initiated 2007, completion 2012 The Results: Value Defect free medication reconciliation 100% pneumonia bundle compliance Patient satisfaction 95% top box 15-28% decrease cost/case 10-15% decrease ALOS 8.89% readmission rate
Spreading & Sustaining the Transformation How we did it The Role of Leadership “It took me 17 years to become the nurse I’ve always wanted to be. So strongly do I feel Collaborative Care is the right thing for patients and for me professionally.” - RN Creating the Model “Where we struggle is the loss of control, some loss of autonomy… Now I’ve got a team attached to me.”* - Physician “It is more demanding in that I have to use my brain a lot more.” - RN Trialing: PDSA “Until you actually go and do it, you don’t know what you don’t know.”* - Pharmacist Spreading & Sustaining the Transformation *Golden-Biddle, Correia (forthcoming). “Hope as generative dynamic in transformational change: Creating and sustaining “Collaborative Care” in the ThedaCare Health System.” In: K. Golden-Biddle and J.E. Dutton (Eds). Using a Positive Lens to Explore Social Change and Organization: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group Publishing.
Building a Seamless System Current Challenges and Future Possibilities What Good Looks Like Collaborative Care New Delivery Model Home Care/Senior Services Horizontal Thinking