The Episodic Challenges of Living with HIV & Depression By Raymond B
Overview My Episodic Disability My Challenges Employment & Income Support Barriers Some Possible Solutions
My Episodic Disability 1987, 32, working as a Chef in a fine French cuisine restaurant, great shape… then - diagnosed with AIDS! In less than three weeks I had to quit my job due to Interferon treatment and its very dibilitating side effects. One year later I was on Welfare and Régie des Rentes du Québec Disability Plan (RRQ). I have never had paid “work” since. HIV is an episodic disability, chronic, lasts a lifetime
My Challenges Unpredictability and variability of HIV itself as well as the side effects of the medication Employment challenges – including inability to work regular 40 hour week on ongoing basis Income-related challenges – including lack of financial support when unable to work at all or only able to work part-time Affordable housing
part-time university for 4 years with Loan and Bursary program for disabled students one year full-time placement, experienced a burn-out and I did not complete my degree. volunteer since, now and then in different ASOs, whenever my health and level of energy were good enough to do so. affordable city housing took close to 8 years
Why paid work doesn’t work for me Risk losing every little tiny bit of security and stability I managed to get to cope with my life, even though it may not seem much to lose. If I worked and lost my job because of my health condition, I would lose the money anyway and worse, I would have to pay more for my affordable housing rent the following year!
a skilled and dedicated volunteer in my community, I contribute to society and meet people. never been afraid to work hard when I had to.
But, the unpredictable nature of my illness would not allow for a steady, reliable flow of income unless I completely disengage from the ‘paid workforce’. The stability of the social support and benefits, although small, allows me to ‘work’ to my potential in a volunteer capacity without risking losing those needed benefits.
What would I like to see happen? Being able to engage in paid work, work to my potential, and retain the security and benefits I presently have whether or not in the paid work force.
I support your collective efforts to work today toward those goals. Thank you!