Computer Science and Engineering Parallel and Distributed Processing CSE 8380 January Session 4
Computer Science and Engineering Contents Interconnection Networks Static IN Dynamic IN
Computer Science and Engineering Interconnection Network Mode of Operation (Synchronous vs. Asynchronous) Control Strategy (Centralized vs. Decentralized) Switching Techniques (Packet switching vs. Circuit switching) Topology (Static Vs. Dynamic)
Computer Science and Engineering Interconnection Network Taxonomy Interconnection Network Static Dynamic Bus-basedSwitch-based 1-D2-DHC SingleMultiple SSMS Crossbar
Computer Science and Engineering Static IN
Computer Science and Engineering Static Interconnection Networks Static (fixed) interconnection networks are characterized by having fixed paths, unidirectional or bi-directional, between processors. Completely connected networks (CCNs): Number of links: O(N 2 ), delay complexity: O(1). Limited connected network (LCNs) Linear arrays Ring (Loop) networks Two-dimensional arrays Tree networks Cube network
Computer Science and Engineering Examples of Network Topology Linear Array Ring Mesh Fully Connected
Computer Science and Engineering Hypercube d = 0d = 1d = 2d =
Computer Science and Engineering Hypercube of dimension d n = 2 d d = log n Node degree = d Number of bits to label a node = d Diameter = d Number of edges = n*d/2 Hamming distance! Routing
Computer Science and Engineering Hypercubes S d = 4
Computer Science and Engineering Analysis and performance metrics static networks NetworkDegree(d)Diameter(D)CostSymmetryWorst delay CCNsN-11N(N-1)/2Yes1 Linear Array2N-1 NoN Binary Tree3 2( log 2 N –1) N-1Nolog 2 N n-cubelog 2 N nN/2Yeslog 2 N 2D-Mesh42(n-1)2(N-n)No NN K-ary n-cube2n n k/2 nNYesK x log 2 N
Computer Science and Engineering Dynamic IN
Computer Science and Engineering Bus Based IN Global Memory P P C P C P C P P
Computer Science and Engineering Dynamic Interconnection Network Crossbar network An 8X8 Crossbar Network M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
Computer Science and Engineering Dynamic Networks StraightExchange Upper-broadcast Lower-broadcast The different setting of the 2X2 SE
Computer Science and Engineering Multi-stage network
Computer Science and Engineering Dynamic Interconnection Network Multi-stage INs (MINs) An example 8X8 Shuffle-Exchange network (SEN)
Computer Science and Engineering Dynamic Interconnection Network Multi-stage INs (MINs) (cont.) An 8X8 Banyan network
Computer Science and Engineering Analysis and performance metrics dynamic networks NetworksDelayCostBlockin g Degree of FT BusO(N)O(1)Yes0 Multiple-busO(mN)O(m)Yes(m-1) MINsO(logN)O(NlogN)Yes0 CrossbarO(1)O(N 2 )No0