July 6, 2011 Session 2 – Assessment Overview Module 4 – How can I effectively teach a class with students who are performing at different levels? Do Now (15 min) – Pair Share Look at handout Each situation contains a problem that can be solved if teachers have certain information which can be derived from different assessments. Determine the problem and the type of info that would solve the problem. Objectives Specify key assessment concepts and related terms Analyze the intent of four different assessments types Conceptualize common challenges and possible solutions associated with implementing various types of assessments. Agenda 15 min – Do Now 20 min – Activity One – The Intent of Assessment 55 min – Activity Two – Content Specific Assessments 20 min – Activity Three – Common Assessment Challenges 10 min – Closing
A NNOUNCEMENTS Next Thursday, July 14 th is an extended SAF session. We will begin at 1pm and end at 4pm. CST review session at STJ Manhattan from 4-7 Schedule interviews during Field Training Get approval of absences from the Office, but please notify me Anyone with 2- on work products can resubmit
F OUR T YPES OF A SSESSMENTS Worksheet: example of note-taking worksheet In homogenous groups, fill out the worksheet. Goal: Each person in the group will be able to name the four types of assessments and describe how it can be effectively used in the classroom.
G OLDEN R ULE OF A SSESSMENTS Guidebook Chapter 7 “Assess it the way you taught it.” “Assess what you taught.” Assessments should be holistic: integration between instruction and assessments
A NALYZING A SSESSMENTS Look at the different assessment in each group. What is it measuring? What information should we gain from using this assessment? What do you like about it? How can we make it better?
C OLLABORATIVE I NQUIRY T EAMS Look at school’s data, use it to inform instruction to better scores on high stakes tests Schools collect data on projected student performance on high stakes tests before the test through “Periodic Assessments” Series of Diagnostic & Formative assessments provided by the DOE
AssessmentsDescriptionGrades Acuity Predictive Assessments Predicts performance on NYS tests in ELA & Math 3 – HS Acuity Instructionally Targeted Assessments (ITAs) Aligned to curriculum in Math and ELA 3 – HS PSATCollege-readiness test10 & 11 ELL Periodic Assessment Predicts performance on NYSESLAT 3 – 12 Mock State/RegentsSample state tests/Regents 3 – 12
F ORMATIVE A SSESSMENTS Goal: intensive and focused questioning of students Instruction is a two-way, interactive process Effective teachers communicate to students that students have a responsibility to inform the teacher when they are confused, when things move too fast, and question things in the class. BUT, students are notoriously non-communicative and may legitimately be incapable to articulating difficulties
F ORMATIVE A SSESSMENTS : E MPHASIS ON F EEDBACK Teacher Feedback Praise: sincere and specific Mistakes are learning opportunities Student Feedback Accountable Talk Guide feedback with probing questions Checklists, questionnaires, clear instructions Student Reflection Self-assess
O THER F ORMATIVE A SSESSMENT T ECHNIQUES Journals Graphic Organizers Whole Group Assessments Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Fist to Five Minute Paper (Exit Pass) Interviews/Conferences
C HALLENGES TO A SSESSMENTS Handout Report any further challenges and solutions C LOSING Assessment Reflection Handout Connection to TfSA framework