Jeopardy No calculators allowed By Jonathan Gembarski and David Feng
What is the greatest common factor of 12 and 18?
The answer is 6.
Red blocks: 8 Green blocks:7 What is the ratio of red blocks to all blocks?
The answer is 8 to 15
½ equals what percent?
The answer is 50%
What is 4\5 + 1\3=?
The answer is 1 and 2\15
What is 766 x 1,052
The answer is 816,532
What is the LCM of 96 and 52
The answer is 1,248
3 red marbles 4 green marbles 3:4 What kind of ratio is this?
The answer is Part to part
What is the percentage for 3\5
The answer is 60%
What is 3\5 divided by 7\6 (use reciprocal)
The answer is 18\35
Name all six ways to classify a triangle and then name the parts that we classify them by
The answers are: Sides: Scalene, Isosceles, and Equilateral. Angles: Right, Obtuse, Acute
What is the LCM of 14 and 16
The answer is 104
Lisa has 92 pencils that are red and she has 189 pencils that are blue. What is the ratio of red pencils to all pencils. What type of ratio is this? Then find the ratio of blue pencils to all pencils. What type of ratio is this?
The answers are: 1: 92:281 and it is Part to Whole 2: 189:281 and its Part to Whole
What is the percentage of 7/8 ?
The answer is 87.5 %
What is ¼ of 0.6 ?
The answer is 0.15 or 15/100
How do figure out the area of a triangle?
The answer is base times height divided by 2
What is the LCM of 231 and 99
The answer is 693
456 cats 567 dogs 367 hamsters What is the ratio of dogs to all pets?
The answer is 567:2083
What is the percentage of 1/8?
The answer is 12.5%
What is 7/6 X 0.45
The answer is or 525/1000
Name the names of the result of: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
The answers are: Addition: Sum Subtraction: Difference Multiplication:Product Division: Quotient
What is the GCF is 981 and 459?
The answer is 9
What is the ratio of the pages in your math book to how many seconds there are in a day
The answer is 668:86,400
What is /67 X 67.7% (put answer in decimal form, Simplify to the nearest ten thousandth) (you can use calcutators)
The answer is
What is 1+3/5-56 X
The answer is
What is the first 11 digits of pi?(NO CALCULATORS,whoever the closest is will get the points) 500 points bonus
The answer is