Dividing Fractions & Mixed Numbers Do Now: U2L8 PS12-3 Accurately multiply/divide fractions and decimals. U2L8 PS12-3 Accurately multiply/divide fractions and decimals.
Fractions To divide fractions, multiply by the reciprocal Remember : KEEP, CHANGE, FLIP ▫Keep the first number as it is ▫Change the operation from DIVISION to MULTIPLICATION ▫Flip the second number upside down Then multiply fractions as usual Simplify if necessary
Dividing Mixed Numbers Change mixed number to an improper fraction Then KEEP, CHANGE, FLIP Multiply as usual ▫(top times top, bottom times bottom) Simplify if necessary
A whole number divided by a fraction Khan Academy video example Question to think about during video: What do you do with a whole number when multiplying it with a fraction?
Guided Practice 4 minutes to try the following problems ÷÷
Assignment P #8-21, 25-31, 38-42