O https://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=ggswWVZ8zKA https://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=ggswWVZ8zKA.


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Presentation transcript:

O atch?v=ggswWVZ8zKA atch?v=ggswWVZ8zKA

What would happen if… O One of those people decided to do their own dance? O One person missed out some of the steps? O One person didn’t dance at all?

If they didn’t work as a team… O …The dance would stop or it would fail completely. These people are working together. They are working as a 'community'.

A community is O A group of people who work together for a common interest – for example, a band, a dance company or even a school are all communities. Everyone is working together towards a common goal – success!

The All Saints Academy community O Is a community where through Catholic values and principles every person at All Saints school will achieve their full potential: spiritually, academically, socially, morally and physically. O Everyone should be able to rely on one another to play their part, do their job and hopefully reach the best possible outcome for the whole.

Your tutor group O Is a community within the All Saints Community O Each person in your tutor group has a role – a strength. O Everyone has a different strength to bring to your community – what is your strength? O Have a look at the next slide for some ideas – there are lots more that won’t be on there!

Task O Create a Tutor community poster to go on your form board O Every member of your tutor community must be on there with their strengths and how they can contribute to your tutor group O You might want to draw a picture of yourself and write your strength underneath O You might want to just write your name and what your strength is

A prayer for our community O Dear God, show us how to be welcoming to students new to the community. Help them establish a happy home here. Surround our community with your love and be present in the hearts of all of us who live here. Amen