CIDER - Today’s research, Tomorrow’s treatments Lab-2 September 15, 2010 Bijoy George, Program Manager, CBMI
Summary from Last Class Introduction to CIDER Opt Out Security and Auditing User responsibilities Definition of Project Data privileges Process workflows – user activation & project creation Session Timeout
Quiz Results
Review Quiz Q-1 What trainings are mandatory for a user to activate his/her user account in CIDER? Q-4 As a Washington University user, what should you do in the event of you losing OR compromising the downloaded data from CIDER? Q-8 A user can query and view clinical data without using a project. - True/ False
Agenda for Today Introduction to Menus Introduction to Dashboard Introduction to Vocabulary Interface Types of Queries in CIDER Use of shared and parameterized query CIDER Application demo Hands on Lab Quiz Q&A
Dashboard Dashboard is the page on which users would be taken to upon successful login All items available to user are organized on this page under the Explorer Can filter/search for a particular item Can customize number of records per page Pagination enabled at the top
Vocabulary Interface BJC uses a custom coding system based on SNOMED 1993 It is called MED – Medical Entities Dictionary Vocabulary Interface establishes the mapping b/w standard vocabularies Permissible values can be searched and selected while forming queries The lab unit of measure, lab specimen type and number of occurrences next to the codes
Vocabulary Interface
Vocabulary Interface Demo Provides Permissible Values (PVs) for clinical variables in Demographics Visits Lab Tests Medications Documents
Demographics Gender Ethnic Origin Race
Visits Patient Type Discharge Service Admitting Service Facility Procedure Code Diagnosis Code
Lab Tests Specimen Type Laboratory Procedure Type Facility Laboratory Test Type
Medications Medication Medication Order Route Medication Component Route Medication Component Type Frequency
Documents Document – can do ‘google like’ search Document Name (Type) Facility
Introduction to Queries Two types Discover patient cohorts Obtain patient data
How to use Shared Queries Shared and Parameterized Queries Introduction Selecting permissible values Adding permissible values Run query interactively or in background History available under Recent Queries
Application Demo Find patients with a particular Diagnosis Find patients with a particular Procedure Find patients having a Lab Test done Find patients who had taken a particular Medication
Hands on Lab-2 Use queries from Shared Queries to find out the following for an unspecified project: 1.Find the number of patients with Type-2 Diabetes 2.Find the number of patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) 3.Find number of patients with elevated levels of Troponin ( level > 0.2 nanograms per milliliter )
Quiz-2 Please write your First name and Last Name on the quiz answer sheet to get proper credit Please circle the best answer choice for each question Please turn in the completed assignments to me before the end of the class We will go over the answers and you will get your answer papers graded in the next class
Take Home Assignment Identify whether there are enough patients to conduct a study for your project and report the results by next class OR Find the number of patients over the age 40 with breast cancer diagnosed. Breast Cancer ICD-9 codes are as follows. [ICD-9 = 174 ->174.9 and ICD-9 = 233.0) AND Review CIDER help pages for Lab-3 Working with Workflows
Appendix CIDER Screen shots
Menu Options My Dashboard My Profile
Menu Options Search New Search - Get Count - Workflow
Menu Options My Projects My Queries My Workflows Approve User Request
Dashboard Components of Dashboard Projects
Projects My Projects View Project
Back to Project List
Dashboard Introduction to Dashboard Projects Queries Recent Queries My Queries Shared Queries
Recent Queries Run status Completed Failed Counts View Parameters
View Parameters under Recent Queries Query Parameters
My Queries # of Queries Query Type Edit Query Execute Query Query Title
Shared Queries Edit Query Execute Query
Dashboard Introduction to Dashboard Projects Queries Workflows
Dashboard Introduction to Dashboard Projects Queries Workflow Message Board
Q & A Please feel free to contact me at any time