E E 2415 Circuits I Lecture 0 - Basic Information
Textbook and Software Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th edition, by Dorf & Svoboda PSpice 9.1 Evaluation Version - Orcad A Good Web Browser (Graphic Capability) –FireFox –Safari –Google Chrome –Internet Explorer Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Viewer (on Web)
Course URL All Homework assignments here Course Syllabus (schedule & rules) here Lectures will be posted here Links to other relevant places posted here Announcements and messages here
Points for Activities Exam I20% Exam II 20% Homework 12% PSpice Problems10% Participation 8% Final Exam30%
Grade Values A90%to 100% B80%to 89% C70%to 79% D60% to 69% F 0% to 59%
Exams 70% of your grade is derived from exams Exams are taken locally Calculators needed –Scientific Calculator –Complex Arithmetic –Solve Simultaneous Equations
Homework Submission Get your homework assignment from web –Print from your browser to get hardcopy –Work out the problems ask for help if needed see IEEE Mentoring Office See GTA or Instructor during Office Hours Use , if necessary EE Submit Solutions on Web
PSpice Assignments Orcad PSpice 9.2 Eval to be used –Problems are text version –See Tutorial: Campus Students Submit Printouts –Usually submit the “out” file –Sometimes submit Probe file results
Grading Rubric for Exams 1 Mastering –M6 Correctly applied circuit laws to the conditions of the problem and correctly solved the ensuing equations. Work was logical and orderly. (100% - 95%) –M5 Got mostly correct results, but work could be better organized and documented. Used an inefficient method or overlooked an easier or simpler procedure. (95% - 85%)
Grading Rubric for Exams 2 Developing –D4 Mostly used appropriate solution procedures, but made arithmetic, algebraic or organizational errors. (85% - 60%) –D3 Properly used the fundamental circuit laws, but missed one or more key concepts in setting up the problem’s solution. (60% - 40%)
Grading Rubric for Exams 3 Emerging –E2 An earnest attempt made, but lacked proper use of KVL, KCL, Ohm’s Law or the Passive Sign Convention at significant stages of the problem. (40% to 20%) –E1 Did not make significant progress on the problem. (20% - 0%)
Contacting Me Phone: (817) FAX: (817) Mail: –William E. Dillon, Ph.D., P.E. –The University of Texas at Arlington –Electrical Engineering Department –P.O. Box –Arlington TX USA