By Rachel Thompson and Erica Axtell
Mercalli Scale (Earthquake Scale) I to III Minimally felt IVFelt in doors, like a heavy truck passing by VFelt by all, trees and poles shake VI Moves furniture, loosens plaster VII Damages poorly built houses and buildings VIII Damages most buildings, walls collapse IX Cracks appear in the ground, mass destruction, landslides XGround badly cracked, buildings and foundations destroyed XI to Total destruction, waves seen on ground X
Epicenter Epicenter is the point on Earth’s surface where the central point of the earthquake is This is where the shaking is strongest, and the shaking generally decreases in severity.
Other Intense Earthquake Zones “Shaking tends to be more intense on ground with loose or soft soils, or over landfills.” (Science Textbook) “In fact, an area of hard, stable bedrock close to the epicenter might suffer less damage than an area with loose soils farther away.” (Science Book)
Loma Prieta Earthquake In 1989 in San Francisco People had filled in some of the San Francisco Bay with loose soil called the Marina District. This place suffered more damage than many other parts of the city
The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake April 18, 1906 at 5:12 AM 3,000 deaths caused $400,000,000 lost Aftershock occurred, which caused a fire 425,000 people homeless This earthquake had very severe effects that will always be remembered
Severe Effects Severe earthquakes can cause: –Death –Destroying of homes and buildings –Fires –Tsunamis –Money loss
Credits California Science Text Book Google Images “ Causes and effects of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake” by Erica Axtell