Marketing & Sales der WKW „ EXSTRA” Expansion of Strategic Markets in Canada and the European Union
2 General Goals The EXSTRA-project has been established to develop business graduates who have a cross- cultural understanding of the diverse issues facing the countries of Canada, Austria, France and the Netherlands. facilitate the exchange of ideas, collaborative projects and research among faculty and students.
3 Main issues Cross-Cultural Awareness and understanding the unique diversity issues in each country Student Involvement with SME Student Engagement Understanding Communities (specific issues of host country and community) Team Based Activities Broad based activities (to include Non-mobile students) Sharing Best Practice Enhancing the international marketplace
4 General Information Duration: 2007 – 2010 Partners CANADA: –Mount Royal College, Calgary, AL (LEAD) –Capilano College, Vancouver, BC –Okanagan College, Kelowna, BC Partners European Union: –Ecole de Management de Normandie, F –Hogeschool Zeeland, NL –FHWien-Studiengänge der WKW, AUT (LEAD) Eligible Programs: Entrepreneurship and Marketing & Sales
5 Students Exchange Implementation plan for the project uses a cohort model of exchange with one institution hosting at a time: –12 Canadians / 9 Europeans per semester –in total 63 students over duration of project Students at the hosting institution will have the opportunity to learn about three different areas represented by either the Canadian or European students. In each of the exchange semesters, the host school will incorporate projects from the business community or non-profit agencies to explore strategic initiatives in the host institution’s region.
6 Faculty and institutional experience Sharing Best Practice –Share curriculum, pedagogical approaches and cross cultural expertise –Exchange of course materials Organization of EXSTRA Symposium –Topic: Entrepreneurship in the context of Cultural and Social Responsibility –Date: October 30, 2008 –Contributions: Students, faculty, business partners (project results, research findings, perspectives). Faculty exchange / Guest Lectures –Lecture of Kyleen Myrah (Okanagan) on “Strategic benefits / importance of using CSR / Social entrepreneurship“ in fall 2008 –40 non-mobile students
7 What‘s going on Selection process for outgoing students of the FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW Application deadline: February, 28 th 2009 –Fall Destination: Mount Royal College –Spring Destination: Capilano College Implementation of Performance Measurement Tool
8 Experiences - Learnings Clear responsibilities of sending and hosting institution Common understanding of project goals, procedure and schedule Personal meetings to develop the project in detail and to review it Feedback sessions with incoming students and with project partners Sustainable partnerships