EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Characteristics in Flight Data Estimation with Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines ICRAT 2004 Claus Gwiggner, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Gert Lanckriet, EECS, University of California, Berkeley Characteristics in Flight Data
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Flow Management and Planning Differences Time slots are distributed among aircraft to avoid congestion In reality, delays, re-reroutings, etc. lead to missed time slots Not the same number of aircraft than planned arrive in sectors: safety, lost capacity Planning Differences
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Related Work Factors/Causes [ATFM Study, PRR] Slot adherence, flight plan quality, in-flight change of route,.... Simulations [Ky, Stortz] Random noise on departure times Reactionary Delay [Toulouse Study] microscopic model of departure times
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Unknown Real situation at sector entries interplay of factors compensations of delays ...
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Program Problem Formulation Simple Characteristics Binary Classification Conclusion Future Work
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Planning Differences Planning Differences = Regulated Demand – Real Demand
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH General Problem Formulation Find 'regularities' of planning differences, useful to improve the current planning procedure Why? Safety, suboptimal used capacity How? MACRO approach: relations between flows, not single deviations from flight plans Daily basis, not extreme situations How? Data analysis 141 days of week-day data
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Today's Question Are planning differences of different sectors the 'same'? if yes: any model can be greatly simplified if no: what are the differences? Difficulty 24 dimensions: one variable for each hour
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Comparison of Planning Differences No visible regularities in both sectors...
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Mean and Standard Deviation...but similar mean and standard deviation over the time
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH H0: same underlying distribution... reject on 1 % level assumes that statistical properties do not vary over time .... but what are the characteristics? e.g. 'if high peaks at noon => sector 1'? Find a rule that tells whether a sequence of values belongs to sector 1 Classification problem Hypothesis Tests
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH (Binary) Classification Probabilistic 'what is the probability that a new item belongs to sector 1?' Logistic Regression Geometric 'on which side of the boundary lies the new item?' Support Vector Machines
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Some Problems in Classification Probabilistic which underlying distribution? Geometric overlapping classes? which form of boundaries ? Fig: linear decision boundary and overlapping classes
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Logistic Regression ● Assumes (normally) a linear relation between probability p and item X p = prob(C=1 | X) = 1/1+e^bX
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Support Vector Machines Non-linear boundaries transformation of the initial instances into a higher dimensional space Solve the problem of overlapping classes relaxation of the boundary constraint
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Comparison Linear Logistic Regression vs SVMs linear vs non-linear simple vs mathematically sophisticated traditional vs state-of-the-art probabilistic vs geometric Common points [Hastie et. al 2003], [Friedman 2003] SVM estimator of class probabilities logistic regression induces linear boundaries
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Experiments on... Data from 4 sectors in Upper Berlin airspace Raw Data (random permutations) Data where number of instances in both classes are balanced In total 8 experiments conducted
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Model Selection Report Estimated Prediction Error (EPE) Model Selection: Cross-Validation [Stone 1974] Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Parameters of SVMs Kernel functions Linear, Gauss, Poly, Linear CN, Gauss CN, Poly CN Kernel parameters Cost Function 1 Norm, 2 Norm In total over 800 combinations possible best one estimated by cross validation
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Summary characteristics in high dimensional data comparison of a very simple and a very complicated classification method
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Conclusions There are systematic differences between different sectors SVMs do not promise major improvement no more than 4% better than logistic regression Linear Prediction is possible Expected prediction errors around 15 %
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Future Work (black box) prediction not satisfactory Better understanding of the underlying processes reasons for the differences model of the probability distribution of planned traffic and realized traffic
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Known: Causes for Planning Differences Departure Slot adherence Inconsistent profile CASA implementation In flight change of route Regulations too late Weekday, Season Weather Source: Independent Study for the Improvement of ATFM, Final Report, 2000 Slot tolerance window Missing flight plans Incorrect flight plan information Priorities: Very High High Medium Unknown time # over-deliveries
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Little known: Dynamics of Planning Differences X: time Y: Number of planning differences Sector n... 'Error' Propagation Sector 2Sector 1 Related Work: Simulation studies, reactionary delay studies
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Summary Motivation Are planning differences unpredictable? Or are there hidden 'regularities'?
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Possible Research Questions Propagation over the network Dependence on traffic density, sector complexity,... ... Characteristics Comparison of different sectors
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Notation A sector is represented as a vector of 24 variables, one for each hour An instance is a value for this vector An instance belongs to class 1 or -1; dependent on the sector from which it was drawn
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Binary Classification ● Given: Instances from sectors 1 and -1 ● Question: a rule to decide for a new instance to which sector it might belong ● Example: if 'high peaks at noon' then class 1 Decision trees
EUROCONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CENTRE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH Geometric and Probabilistic Approaches example: Instances are 2 dimensional Geometric Instances are points in Euclidean space Rules are class boundaries Problem: overlapping classes Probabilistic Classes have underlying probability distribution Rules are class-probabilities Problem: which distribution?