AREA OF FOCUS Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Rebecca Crall, AofF Manager October 2, 2015
Area of Focus: PCPR | 2 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Training leaders, including potential youth leaders, to prevent and mediate conflict Supporting peace-building in communities and regions affected by conflict Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to peace and conflict prevention/resolution Providing platforms for cross cultural exchanges and dialog Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution at the Community Level
Area of Focus: PCPR | 3 Common Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Project Types Peace Building & Youth Marginalized Groups Scholarships Mediation Training
Area of Focus: PCPR | 4 Leveraging Knowledge and Experience: Inter-country Committees Inter-country Committees and Peace Projects ICCs focus on long term relationships between two countries National sections with local expertise in each of the countries of an ICC are working together on the definition and implementation of peace and humanitarian projects and check their long term sustainability. Through working together on common hands-on projects, ICCs can help in creating a climate for mutual understanding and peace between countries in the same region and far beyond. By including Rotaracters in their activities, ICC can take action to address the desire for peace of the new generations.
Area of Focus: PCPR | 5 Global Grants with The Rotary Foundation Global grant eligibility requirements Sustainable Measurable goals Align with an area of focus Respond to real community needs Actively involve Rotarians and host community members
Area of Focus: PCPR | 6 Global Grants Scope for Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Supporting graduate- level studies in peace and conflict prevention/resolution Facilitating conflict resolution workshops Campaigns to address negative social dynamics in a community Initiatives addressing the psychological effects of conflict Training related to community leadership Educating youth on preventive measures to avoid conflict Community Training Scholarships
Area of Focus: PCPR | 7 Leveraging Knowledge and Experience: Inter-country Committees Examples Youth exchange programming centered around peace and conflict resolution between two ICC countries. Bringing together community members across borders to address conflict issues (businesses across borders, resource issues etc.) ICC countries working on other AofF projects with a “conflict lens”. Working with Rotary Peace Fellows in one or more of the ICC countries to create peace and conflict projects.
Area of Focus: PCPR | 8 Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Resources Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects Community Assessment Tools Rotary Peace Centers Rotarian Action Group for Peace
Area of Focus: PCPR | 9 Global Grant Resources Grant Management Manual Areas of Focus Policy Statements Rotary’s Areas of Focus Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants
Area of Focus: PCPR | 10 Contact Information (toll free) Rotary International One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL , USA