New concept of early childhood development
Holistic approach in development of children Investments in early childhood development New EU documents, 2030 Standard based education
Investment in early childhood development, results with effects in: -Social adaptation of children -Gives foundation for future education and development -Guarantees much less chances of quitting future education -Leveling differences between children
New EU documents Action strategies for following period 5 leading principles Children to be treated as competent partners in educational process
To respect their specific needs and experiences Changes on relation child-adult Investments in the system for support of the educators is necessary
Achieving wellbeing of children should be considered as a process and not as a result of some program Poverty and material conditions are barrier for achieving children wellbeing Education in this period is very important, but not only from cognitive aspect of development
Education of children to provide straightening of individual capacity of every child without exception Promotion of holistic approach. Development focused towards every child especially appreciating the differences
Health of children understood in the broadest sense of the term Promotion of holistic approach
Quality in adult-child relations Relations between children, parents, family, educator and other adults They are all models on which children learn Relations should be based on mutual trust, respect and cooperation
Standards for early education and development Documents of Standards for early education and development in Macedonia What are the standards for early education and development?
Creating new policy for early childhood development in Macedonia New program for preschool education Strategy of development of education New code for Child protection Process of licensing educators and directors