Fighting Poverty Tuesdays with Tiffany Reading Arms You Against Oppression
Assignment Name _________ Fighting Poverty InformationFeelings, thoughts, or connections
Rich School Poor School A&feature=related
Poverty is… Being sick and not having the money to go to the doctor.
Poverty is… Living in fear of the next thing to come up and push you over the edge.
Poverty is… Not having time to get an education so you can get a better job.
Poverty is… Being hungry…all the time.
Poverty is… Not having a home.
Statistics Almost half the world lives in poverty. Over 3 billion people live on less that $2 a day.
Statistics Poverty is a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Students that come from poor families are more likely to drop out and be poor later in life.
Statistics 4 million child deaths were prevented around the world by improving mothers’ education.
Causes Most of the causes are cycles that go on for generations.
Causes The first is education. Low grades are linked to low family income.
Causes Not being able to read affects your ability to get or keep a job.
Causes Bad schools or teachers.
Causes Not focusing on your education.
Schools with lots of poor kids usually have… More inexperienced teachers Fewer computers Less Internet access Larger class sizes More behavior problems in their schools More run-down buildings
Percent children under 18 in poverty
Reflection How does reading fit into the cycle of poverty? Give an example.