KIC InnoEnergy CCS & Clean Coal Technologies projects review meeting Krakow,
KIC InnoEnergy - Reminder 2 Vision InnoEnergy envisions paving the way for an independent and sustainable energy system enabling a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 achieved by successful commercialization of innovations, i.e. new products, services and business ideas. InnoEnergy aspires to develop ideas and people - and thus an innovative and entrepreneurial culture - to warrant a new industrial wave based on energy technologies and services in Europe and to become the global leader in sustainable energy innovation. The partnership establishes an output-oriented and self- determined organization that serves significantly to speed up the transformation towards a European economy that is entrepreneurial, innovative and sustainable. Mission The partners of InnoEnergy are committed to a joint venture as an expression of a strongly-integrated and stable partnership which is clearly innovation-driven. The partners are complementary European key players in the energy field representing relevant stakeholders of the knowledge triangle. InnoEnergy will build more agile and dynamic interfaces between industry and academia as well as a new partnership among all stakeholders facilitating knowledge-sharing and cross- fertilisation. Innovation knowledge existing but fragmented throughout Europe will be connected and synergies identified. Moreover, central to the mission of InnoEnergy are people as the drivers of innovation. Thus, the joint venture to be created will strive for the development of leaders in technology and entrepreneurship, and promote and disseminate the entrepreneurial mindset throughout the knowledge triangle.
CC Poland Plus - Partners 4 formal partners: AGH, ICHPW, GIG, SUT 1 formal partner is expected in few days (TAURON) 3(or 2) associated partners: LOTOS, UJ, WUT 9 network partners: BZF, CUT, ICE PAS, RAFAKO, Syngas (SME), Promot (SME), Eco Gaw (SME), Kwant (SME), CzUT Several new partners are coming
4 Formal partners status vs Associated and Network
CC Poland Plus sp. z o.o. legal entity Articles of Association – ready to sign Planed date for company start-up – Company capital: ,40 PLN ( EUR) KIC InnoEnergy SE holds 51% Each formal and associated partner has one share (11 191,20PLN EUR) CC Poland Plus will support partners in activities outside of the projects scope
CC Poland Plus governance structure General assembly Supervisory board Prof. Józef Dubiński, President Stanisław Tokarski Supervisory board Prof. Józef Dubiński, President Stanisław Tokarski Executive board KIC SE Executive board KIC SE Executive board CC manager is the member of KIC SE EB
CC Poland Plus management CC manager Rafał Mrówka Education DU manager Prof. Wojciech Grega Project manager (education) Innovation and technology DU manager Tomasz Pyrć Board members Project manager …. Project office Karolina Kolibabka Division in Gliwice Sylwester Kalisz Katarzyna Olszak KIC InnoEnergy | Boosting Innovation for Sustainable Energy | Speaker: Rafal Mrowka
8 KIC InnoEnergy | CSFRIF_ _17 th March| Speaker: KIC InnoEnergy CC Poland Plus activities overview
Lessons learned - room for improvement “Technology Push” rather than “Industry / Market Pull” Weak international cooperation Weak market orientation The budgets are still often finance driven not output driven Declared an in-kind contribution is often only loosely connected to KIC added activities (to fulfill GPA obligations) Innovative products are often in fact research products
What will change in 2012? More products (or problem to resolve) will be defined by Industry – goal: 80% industry products in 2013 „Research products” will be canceled – Q We will look for smaller projects (in product dimension, not finance) New „must be” criteria for new projects: proposal should have preliminary market assessment (no eligible cost for KIC funds) Project evaluation and market analysis will be performe by CC Indu and Business WG – it will be outside of the project scope CC Manager will act as the controller Standard rate for PM in all projects
Timeline for new projects June 2011 – call for proposals September 2011 – proposals submit September – October 2011 – proposals evaluation October 2011 – final decision November 2011 – contract signature January 2011 – projects kick-off
ICT implementation We’ve started the process of migration to GoogleApp ICT platform – SECoal project Basic functionality: Documents preparation and sharing (new templates) Collaboration tools: Gcomm (videoconferencing), Chat, Forums, Groups Calendar Planning and reporting tool Projects Intranet site Other project will be migrated after SECoal succesful pilot
KIC InnoEnergy | Boosting Innovation for Sustainable Energy | Speaker: Rafał Mrówka 13 End of presentation Thank you for your attention! KIC InnoEnergy receives funding from: