DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 U.S. ATLAS Computing Overview Status of ATLAS computing U.S. ATLAS Project Management Organization Status of efforts Core software Subsystems Facilities Schedule FY 00 funding request Summary
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Scale of Computing Effort Rough scaling of factors of 5 to 1E+3 in relevant parameters from Tevatron Experiments Manpower x5 CPU/event x1E+3 (event complexity) Data volume x10 to x1E+2 (channel count) Distribution of data x10 U.S. effort comparable to scale of Tevatron experiment. Effort $15M/year
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Scales from experience
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Goals for the next year Project organization Management Identify areas of responsibility Integration of efforts into ATLAS Inception/development of software U.S. support facilities Planning/development of infrastructure Prepare for reviews
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 International ATLAS New Computing Coordinator Norman McCubbin (RAL) Available full time November Approval vote - ATLAS CB June 10th Responsibility: Core software New Physics Coordinator Fabiola Gianotti (CERN) Approval vote - ATLAS CB June 10th Detector specific sim/reconstruction Organized within subsystems
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Architecture Taskforce Software partitioned into work packages Katsuya Amako, KEK Laurent Chevalier, CEA Andrea Dell’Acqua, CERN Fabiola Gianotti, CERN Steve Haywood, RAL (Chair) Jurgen Knobloch, CERN Norman McCubbin, RAL David Quarrie, LBL R.D. Schaffer, LAL Marjorie Shapiro, LBNL Valerio Vercesi, Pavia
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Architecture T.F. Status Three meetings so far Directions: Language: C++ (allow for migration to other e.g. JAVA) Examine GAUDI (LHCb) architecture Adoption of “use cases” Goals for October Outline of architecture design Appointment of Chief Architect Commission work on prototyping of parts of design Create use-cases, requirement document Define packages and relations (package diagram)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Stages in Software Management
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Quality Control Recommend software performance specifications, review process Makoto Asai, Hiroshima Dario Barberis, Genoa Martine Bosman, Barcelona Bob Jones, CERN Jean-Francois LaPorte, CEA Helge Meinhard, CERN Maya Stavrianakou, CERN
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Action on other Groups National Board Supported platforms Regional centers Training Network of national contacts for training C++, OO programming GEANT 4 ATLAS Specific
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 ATLAS/CERN Schedule ‘00 Sept. ‘99 Start of Cashmore/Hoffman review Oct. ‘99 Report of architecture T.F. Commissioning of prototyping code Jan ‘00 Start preparations for bilateral agreements Fall ‘00 Report of Cashmore/Hoffman review MOU preparations
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 U.S. Participation Frank Paige - Co- convenor of SUSY working group David Malon - Co-leader of database group Craig Tull - Architecture Group Ian Hinchliffe - Leader of Event Generator group David Quarrie, Marjorie Shapiro - Architecture Task Force John Parsons - Co-convenor of Top working group Misha Leltchouk - L Ar simulation coordinator Michael Shupe - Convenor of Background working group Fred Luehring - TRT software coordinator Steve Goldfarb - Muon Database Coordinator Tom LeCompte - Tilecal Database Coordinator Krzys Sliwa - Chair of ATLAS World-wide computing group Frank Merritt - Training contact, Tilecal Reconstruction coord. Bruce Gibbard - Regional center contact John Huth- National Board contact
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 U.S. ATLAS Computing NSF, DOE: LHC computing activities are now “projectized” Implications for U.S. ATLAS: Direct reporting lines through Project Manager (Bill Willis) and BNL Directorate (Tom Kirk) Appointment of Associate Project Manager for Computing and Physics (John Huth) Implications for Agencies: Must clarify reporting lines, operations
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Proposed Management
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Management Structure Reflects flow of deliverables to, from ATLAS Appointments (2 year renewable terms) Physics: Ian Hinchliffe (LBNL) Facilities: Bruce Gibbard (BNL) + deputy Issues Software manager Availability within U.S. ATLAS - hire? Flatter structure for the time being? Bring on soon ? Most desirable!
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Management Plan Associate Project Manager Member of E.C. Develop and execute project plan Establish and maintain project organization+Tracking Develop annual budget requests Liason to ATLAS Computing Management Appoint L2 managers Review and approve MOU’s to CERN and Institutes Exercise change control authority Establish advisory committees where appropriate Provide reports and organize reviews
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Implications for APM APM is a time consuming job. Actions for John Huth: Relief from MDT electronics coordinator (Jay Chapman, U. Michigan) Relief from U.S. ATLAS Inst. Bd. Chair (Jim Siegrist, LBNL) Teaching relief - spring terms ‘00 and ‘01 Granted by Harvard University
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Level 2 Managers Appointed by APM, concurrance of Exec. Comm. Members of E.C. (+ APM, + deputy) Two year renewable terms Generic responsibilities Develop definition of milestones and deliverables Define, with APM, organizational substructure of level 2 Develop, with APM, annual budget proposals Identify resource imbalances within subprojects and recommend adjustments Deliver scope of subproject on time within budget Maintain cost and schedule Provide reports to APM, PM Liason with counterparts at CERN
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Specific Responsibilities Physics Manager Generators, physics objects, benchmark studies, mock data challenge Software Core Detector specific sim/recon Training Facilities Tier 1,2, networking, support
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Project Engineer Same roles as project engineer’s for construction project Tracking Reviews, oversight Reporting Technical input
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Proposed Names Physics: Ian Hinchliffe (LBNL) Contacted, accepted Policy question: physicists on project Software: search underway Facilities: Bruce Gibbard (+deputy) Deputy: Jim Shank
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Facilities Manager Bruce Gibbard (BNL) Proposal to add U.S. ATLAS Deputy U.S. ATLAS and RHIC Deputies General agreement with Bruce, Tom Kirk Begin to fill in other areas Networking Tier 1 Remote sites Support
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Detector Contacts L Ar - Srini Rajagopalan (BNL) Tilecal - Frank Merritt (U.Chicago) ID- Laurent Vacavant (LBNL) Muon - Bing Zhou (U. Michigan) TRT - Keith Baker (Hampton) Trigger/DAQ -Andy Lankford (UCI)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Planning Activities Writing/preparation assignments for review - next week L2 managers where appropriate (ie. Facilities, physics) Core Sim/recon Training Management (PMP for computing) MRE/IT “team” Review in October
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 WBS Structure Should be flexible while project definition is underway (level 3+beyond) Level 2’s should be fixed now Commensurate with management structure Adopt lead number “2”
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 High Levels of WBS Draft WBS 2.1 Physics Generators, benchmarks, mock data challenges, physics objects 2.2 Software Core –Control/Framework,database, event model, analysis tools Detector specific simulation and recon. Collaborative tools Training 2.3 Facilities Regional center, remote sites, networking, support
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Near Term Activities/Issues U.S. ATLAS Web-site Weekly video conferences Support role of BNL Gathering FY 00 requests Advisory group appointment Writing assignments for proposal NSF MRE/IT proposal - Tier 2 centers Discussions of deliverables with ATLAS Interactions with agencies JOG, Computing review
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Software Core Software Control/Framework (Tull) Database, Tilecal Pilot Project (Malon) Event Model (Rajagopalan) Detector-specific sim/reconstruction Representatives from subsystems chosen Training (Merritt) Establishment of OO courses (BNL, U. Chicago)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 General Requirements Software must last over lifetime of experiment, yet track language changes Well defined interface layers Maintainability, engineering critical Number of users, use of software professionals Adaptability to distributed environments Learn from experiments working on OO (BaBar, D0, CDF, STAR)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Database David Malon (ANL) Tilecal pilot project Tilecal testbeam data in object database Testbed for ATLAS technologies and strategies Early feedback to developers Generalized to other subsystems Database core software Transient and persistent object mapping Definition of database/control interface Specifications Examine alternatives to Objectivity
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Tilecal Model
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Database Schedule
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Database Milestones Jan ‘00 Survey of mapping strategies Feb. ‘00 Infrastructure for developers deployed April ‘00 Validation of strategies in testbed July ‘00 Database management infrastructure defined Oct ‘00 Infrastructure for distributed access deployed Jan ‘01 Scalability test Oct ‘01 Beta release
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Control/Framework Craig Tull (LBNL) Working on user requirements document (w/ Hinchliffe, Shapiro, Vacavent) Market survey of framework systems Object component model AC++ Compatibility with ATLAS architecture Resource loaded work plan exists Work with A.T.F. for design requirements Already have tested prototype designs
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Framework Milestones
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Framework Schedule
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 One Framework Model Software Bus (eg. CORBA) Component C++ Classes/Objects Component Class Adatpers Scripting Interface (eg. Tcl, …) Command Marshalling (eg. SWIG,...) GUI Interface (eg. Tk, …)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Event Model Type of objects that are stored Client’s view of the event Physical organization of the event Client’s interface to the event Mechanism to navigate between objects Transient to Persistent Object mapping
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Event Model Milestones Nov. 99 Review of models in other exp’s Requirements documents Dec. 99 Resource loaded schedule Mar. 00 Baseline design June 00 Alpha release Aug. 00 Review experience FY 01 Beta release
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Framework Options
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Some Detector Activities TRT/ID Put full TRT simulation into GEANT4 L-Ar Coil, cryos in GEANT4 (Nevis) Accordian structure in GEANT4 (BNL) Tilecal Pilot project
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Some Detector Activities Muon Study of noise in Higgs-> 4 muon Combined performance of ID+muon system (A reconstruction) CSC into simulation Trigger/DAQ Comparison of switching architectures Background studies Optimization of shielding (100 MeV muon background)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Training New paradigm of OO programming Training courses (F. Merritt) Course offered at BNL (near future) Course offered at Chicago Successful programs seen at other experiments (CDF, D0, BaBar) Ongoing need for training throughout course of experiment Documentation ATLAS-specific
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Software Development Asymptotic level - est. 10 software professionals Peak load (circa 2003) est. 16 S.P.’s Extrapolations based on existing experiments and proposed areas of responsibility, fractional of U.S. participation Choice of technology can influence actual needs strongly (e.g. BaBar, STAR in database)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Planned Training All by Object Mentor (BaBar, others) Organized by Frank Merritt Courses approximately 1 week long Aug. 9 - BNL - OO Design - 13 people Sept U.C. - OO Design - 15 people Oct ANL or BNL - Advanced OO - 10 people Nov. 8 - FNAL - GEANT people
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Facilities BNL ramping up support facility Taps into RHIC Computing Facility Major issue of Tier 1/2 facilities Scale of “Tier 2’s” Size for support staff, infrastructure Computing model for U.S. (e.g. grids) Being addressed in NSF MRE/IT proposal In the process of developing policy on usage, support of platforms at institutions
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Facilities Tier 1 (Regional Center) BNL Leverages RCF ATLAS specific needs, however. Primary support function for U.S. Code release, support Major processing, event store Personnel scale estimate: Roughly linear ramp from 2 FTE’s (now) to 22 or more (depending on computing model)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 MONARC Models of Networked Architecture at Regional Centers (ATLAS+CMS) Alexander Nazarenko, Tufts hire Tasks: Validate simulation models Perform first simulations of LHC architectures After Dec. ‘99, focus on planning for regional centers Model validation - end of September Understanding of U.S. computing facilities
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 NSF MRE/IT Proposal Tier 2 centers Approx. 5 total 256 node systems 100 TB tape system Low maintenance Linked by computing grid Computing professionals Dual role - user/developers
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Review Process Send proposals to Advisory Group (Aug. 4th) Charge: Identify areas of overlap/commonality Suggest simplifications/savings Coherency with ATLAS effort Prioritize Meet with Agencies to establish scale for FY 00, initial request (Now) Confer with Advisory group on feedback Prepare, review documentation for Dec. review (mid-late Sept.)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Priorities Critical personnel People who would otherwise be lost, fulfilling a critical role Core software effort Prerequisite to inclusion of sim/recon software Yet, cannot commit to major ramp (no MOU’s) Support of U.S. efforts (facilities) Critical studies Transition to OO
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Priorities Coherency in development of plan Matching of facilities scope to usage E.g. database effort, simulations Contiguous/overlapping areas E.g. event model, database, control/framework
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 FY 00 Needs Starting Oct. 1st - will need more than simple continuation of present level Support functions at BNL Deputy Facilities Manager Core support - database Estimate roughly 4 FTE increment Remaining needs made part of review process for Dec. Still give estimates for needs beyond December -> now
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Facilities Support for U.S. users a necessary precondition for effective U.S. participation (like training) Use of RCF leverages existing facilities Requesting 3 FTE’s Oct. 1 (deputy+support) $50K of equipment Oct. 1 (500 SpecInt95) $500K (CPU, disk, mass storage) - after review
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Training Necessary precondition to effective U.S. participation. Must be done now (trained group of physicists) Substantial pay-back (experience in industry) NSF request of $75K to subsidize courses ($1k/student + setup)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Leveraging Funds Groups that have applied for internal funds BNL: Already support, 2 FTE’s for FY 00 (core software) LBNL: Request for support on control/framework U.Chicago: Advance support for training, request for software professional to start
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 FTE Request
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Schedule July Propose management structure to E.C., PM Collaboration meeting Tier 1/2 scoping Plans for FY 00 reviewed MRE “White paper” August Present FY 00 plans to agencies Outline and writing assignments for proposal (Dec.)
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Schedule September First drafts of proposal Management PMP Software: Core and recon/sim Facilities Training, collaborative tools October Revise proposal, review November Meeting to prepare for Dec. review
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Schedule December (January?) Agency review January Revise funding plan for FY 00 Begin work on bilateral agreements Ongoing - and beyond January Prototyping code Progress toward baselining Filling in management slots Bilateral agreements
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Summary Project organization Management Identify areas of responsibility Integration of efforts into ATLAS Inception/development of software U.S. support facilities Planning/development of infrastructure Prepare for reviews
DOE/U.S. ATLAS Computing Sept. 9, 1999 Summary Major points: Oct. 1st FY 00 needs are more than ongoing (4 FTE) Hardware to augment RCF Training physicists in OO design Continue to fill in management structure