Reflexive Verbs In the Present
Reflexive verbs are used to reflect the action back onto the subject. For example, instead of saying, “I wash” you can say, “I wash myself”.
Je me parleNous nous parlons Tu te parlesVous vous parlez Il/Elle se parleIls/Elles se parlent Reflexive Verbs Set Up Parler- To speak
Table from: Cliffs Notes Conjugating Reflexive Verbs
Example Sentences Je me lave (I wash myself) Il se regarde dans la miroir (He looks at himself in the mirror) Je m'amuse bien avec ma sœur (I have fun with my sister) La nuit je me brosse les dents (At night I brush my teeth) Il se fait beaucoup d'argent (He makes himself a lot of money)
Example Reflexive Verbs S’amuserTo have funSe detendre To relaxSe raserTo shaveSe regarderTo look at self S’interesserTo be interested in Se reposerTo restSe brosserTo brushS’arreterTo stop S’occuper (de) To take care of S’asseoirTo sit downSe maquiller To put makeup on Se souvenir (de) To remember S’ennuyerTo be boredSe depecher To hurrySe leverTo get upS’endormirTo fall asleep Se preparerTo get ready Se coucherTo go to bed Se trouverTo be located Se coifferTo style hair