Helping the Humane Society Symposium #3 Caleb, Cara, Catherine, Claire, Kelli, Leo, Melanie
Problem within the community Humane society has a need for basic supplies in order for it to run day to day. These included; Dog & Cat food (dry, wet) Dog & Cat Treats, Water & food bowls Leashes, litter, pet shampoo, pooper scoopers. Cleaning supplies; clorox clean -up, paper towels, liquid dish detergent, laundry detergent Tools; vice grips, wrenches, socket set, hammers, screw drivers, power washers What we raised; newspapers, aluminum cans, bleach, and money.
Fun Passionate about the Cause Thought we could make the most difference with the time provided Prominent issue within the community Excuse to play with animals Pr o bl e m to C h a n g e
Nature of the Problem Over population of pets-due to owners not getting them spayed or neutered Animal cruelty Lack of Awareness-more people may get involved if they know what is going on
Causes of the Problem & Solution People are NOT donating Humane Society does not have the funds Economy/Job security in the area, when owners leave they can’t take their pets Puppy mills, more people go for dogs that are bred instead of Humane Society pets Raise awareness through campaigns (Gilman theme night, posters, word of mouth, social media) More widespread recycling initiatives Work together with Marietta College Don’t adopt unless financially secure
Why we chose this solution Newspapers/cans due to the abundance on campus Cause we could get behind Able to accomplish much with what we raised Huge return on our efforts
Our Success To judge how successful we were look at our goals: Raise community awareness and support Provide a boost of resources Relieve animal suffering
What would we do differently Campaign more on and off campus Create more posters Post announcement on my marietta Word of mouth Start earlier Make a sign-up list for students to come volunteer with us Take animals to nursing home Make connections with the mail room (newspapers)