The data assimilation system implementation and output for validation Gianpaolo BALSAMO, François BOUYSSEL, Jöel NOILHAN ELDAS Data Coordination meetin – Météo-France Toulouse September 2003 ELDAS Data Coordination meeting – Météo-France Toulouse September 2003
Plan of the presentation ELDAS at Météo-FranceELDAS at Météo-France The implementation of the system –Model (ARPEGE) –Climatology (ECOCLIMAP) –The coupling to atmosphere (Restore/Blending) –Data Assimilation technique (Simplified 2D-VAR) DATA flowDATA flow The assimilated data The output for validation PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTSPRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS 1-6 June 2000 May 2003
ARPEGE: Global spectral stretched model 20 to 200 km, 41 levels (1 hPa), 4 runs/day (96h) 4D-Var (T107, T161) : 6h assimilation cycle The NWP model Cycle 26 (Current) Operational version: (stretching 3.5 )
Spatial Coverage
The implementation of ECOCLIMAP Global 1km database (V. Masson et al., 2003) Issued combining existing land-cover maps, climate maps, in addition to using the AVHRR satellite data A 10km aggregation is used for ARPEGE input climatology LAI for January and June from ECOCLIMAP See: LAI for January and June from ECOCLIMAP See:
+6hfcst New T2m, Rh2m, Ts, Tp, Ws New Wp The atmospheric coupling The atmospheric state is not re-analysed –2 solutions:Restore or Blending The land surface analysis
The atmospheric coupling Restore Blending « + » +6hfcst Archive Atmospheric Analyse Atmospheric guess New Land Surface Analysis Atmospheric guess Archive Atmospheric Analyse New Land Surface Analysis
Plan of the presentation ELDAS at Météo-FranceELDAS at Météo-France The implementation of the system –Model (ARPEGE) –Climatology (ECOCLIMAP) –The coupling to atmosphere (Restore/Blending) –Data Assimilation technique (Simplified 2D-VAR) DATA flowDATA flow The assimilated data The output for validation PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTSPRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS 1-6 June 2000 May 2003
The assimilated data T2m RH2m (analysed by the Optimum Interpolation on ARPEGE grid) Observations are available every 6 hours. No other observations are assimilated (at present).
Field site temporal data Extracted from Arpege 6h forecast cycle (1 hour rate) Nearest model grid point No post-processing (at present) to compensate field site / model differences. Spatial data Extracted from Arpege grid: LAT, LON, VALUE No extrapolation to ELDAS regular lat lon grid (at present) No grib produced (at present)
Vegetation typeSURFIND.VEG.DOMI (3=low vegetation, 4= high vegetation) 3 Leaf Area IndexSURFIND.FOLIAIRE AlbedoSURFALBEDO (clim) Aerodynamic roughness (m)SURFZ0.FOIS.G/9.81 (dyn.), SURFGZ0.THERM/9.81 (therm.) 3.098/9.81 m Displacement height (m)Not available.. // Soil typeSURFPROP.ARGILE, SURFPROP.SABLE 5.83% ; 82.6% Rooting depth (m)SURFEPAIS.SOL 1.63 m Volumetric soil wilting point (m3/m3) *exp(0.50*log(SURFPR OP.ARGILE)) Volumetric soil field capacity (m3/m3) *exp(0.35*log(SURFPR OP.ARGILE)) Vertical discretisation (m)ISBA force-restore has d1=0.01 m, d2=SURFEPAIS.SOL 0.01 m 1.63 m Orographic model height (m) SURFGEOPOTENTIEL / m Field site climatology: Loobos Site
Plan of the presentation ELDAS at Météo-FranceELDAS at Météo-France The implementation of the system –Model (ARPEGE) –Climatology (ECOCLIMAP) –The coupling to atmosphere (Restore/Blending) –Data Assimilation technique (Simplified 2D-VAR) DATA flowDATA flow The assimilated data The output for validation PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTSPRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS 1-6 June 2000 May 2003
PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTSPRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS 1-6 June 2000 and zoom over ELDAS domain1-6 June 2000 ELDAS domain May 2003: Ecoclimap and Operational cyclesEcoclimapOperational
Schedule of activities Implementation part The implementation of the system [done] Validation of Atm. Coupling method [in progress] Optimization of cycle settings [in progress] Output data production Trial dataset 1-6 June 2000 [done] May-June 2000 [to be done: ready to start] May-October 2000 [by end of 2003]