Objectives Veritas means Truth – The purpose of the Veritas team is to look at ourselves (C 3 ) in truth to find out –What God means us to be –How well are we doing at what we are –How do we get to what God means us to be Relational Covenant –The truth can be painful – remember who we are What we are aiming for – The Healthy Missional Church What we have found out about ourselves so far What needs to happen next
Relational Covenant Pray together to seek the Will of God. Respect and honor the church leadership. Communicate clearly, honestly, directly and humbly. Seek first the good in each other and build each other up. Do not allow our disagreements to tear apart what God has sacrificed so much to bring together. Discover what is best for our church as a whole. Be committed to sacrifice for the Gospel and the fulfillment of God’s Great Commission.
Target: Healthy Missional Church Centrality of the Word of God Life transforming walk with Jesus Intentional evangelism Transforming communities through active compassion, mercy and justice ministries Global perspective and engagement Compelling Christian community Heartfelt worship Sacrificial and generous living and giving Culture of godly leadership Fruitful organizational structures HMC The Stable Church The Critical Moment Church The At-Risk Church Complacent What’s wrong? Sink or Swim?
What we’ve found… Fruits FunctionsForm Evangelism Worship Christian Ed Missions Etc Ministries Opportunities Finance & Etc FOCUS What do we do well vs what do we do because we always have? Why are we here? What is our mission? Pastor Council Elders Deacons Stewards
Fruits FunctionsForm Evangelism Worship Christian Ed Missions Etc Ministries Opportunities Finance & Etc Pastor Council Elders Deacons Stewards How should we be best organized to accomplish our mission? What’s Next FOCUS What are our opportunities to serve?