3 Properties of Color Hue-The name of the color Value-Lightness/Darkness of a hue—Tints and Shades Intensity-Brightness/Dullness of a color- Complements (opposites on the color wheel)
Color Schemes (Color Plan) Monochromatic—Using one color and the tints and shades of that color Complementary---Using opposites on the color wheel and tints and shades of those colors Analogous---Using three colors side by side on the color wheel and tints and shades of those colors Triad---Using three colors equal distance apart on the color wheel and tints and shades of those colors Warm and Cool —Using only warm colors and their tints and shades or only cool colors and their tints and shades
Examples of color choices for each color scheme Monochromatic-Blue, variations of dark and light blue Complementary-Yellow and Purple and variations of light and dark yellow and purple Analogous-Red, Red Orange, Orange and variations of light and dark values of each color Triad-Orange, Purple and Green plus lights and darks of each color Cool—Greens and Blues plus lights and darks Warm—Oranges and Reds plus lights and darks
Examples of Color Schemes Which color scheme is being used?
Which color scheme?
Which Color Scheme?
Which Color Scheme?
Your Assignment For each triangle, use the following color schemes— 2 triangles of monochromatic 2 triangles of complementary 2 triangles of analogous 2 triangles of triad You can switch colors—for example you might do one monochromatic using blue and one using green.
Assignment continued The idea is to “hide” the letters of your name by changing the values of your colors on the letters and in the background. Do not do all of your letters the same value or color or the background all the same value or color. This will make a distinction between the letters and the background rather than blending them.
Mixing Paint You will have the three primary colors and white and black. All other colors must be created by mixing the primaries. When creating a TINT (a lighter version of the color) always add small amounts of your color to white. When creating a SHADE (a darker version of the color) always add small amounts of black to your color. Share colors with others if you make too much and save your paint from day to day if you have a lot left at the end of the period. Leave your design in the drying rack over night to dry or in your bin if you have room. Store your paint/container in your bin.