The virgin Mary had a baby boy, the virgin Mary had a baby boy. The virgin Mary had a baby boy and they said that his name was Jesus. Refrain He come from the glory. He come from the glorious kingdom He come from the glory. He come from the glorious kingdom.. The angels sang a-when the baby was born, the angels sang a- when the baby was born. The angels sang a-when the baby was born, and they said that his name was Jesus. (Refrain) The Shepherds see where the baby was born; the shepherds see where the baby was born. The shepherds see where the baby was born and they said that his name was Jesus. (Refrain) The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy (Traditional)
Child of the Poor Helpless and hungry, lowly, afraid, wrapped in the chill of mid winter; comes now among us, born into poverty’s embrace, new life for the world. Refrain: Who is this who lives with the lowly, sharing their sorrows, knowing their hunger? This is Christ revealed to the world in the eyes of a child, a child of the poor. Who is the stranger here in our midst, looking for shelter among us? Who is the outcast? Who do we see amid the poor, the children of God? (Refrain) © 1961 Scott Soper, OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission under LicenSingOnline #U What Child Is This? What Child is this who, laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping? Refrain: This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; Haste, haste to bring him laud, the babe the son of Mary Why lies he in such mean estate where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian fear: for sinners here the silent word is pleading. (Refrain)