Before Travel… Travelers must be certain to have their supervisors’ approval. Travelers should submit a Travel Authorization and Estimated Expense Form to their supervisor. Although at times optional to the Travel Services Department, the use of a Travel Authorization and Estimated Expense Form establishes travel plans and funding sources in writing.Travel Authorization and Estimated Expense FormTravel Authorization and Estimated Expense Form A Travel Authorization and Estimated Expense Form is required in the following instances:Travel Authorization and Estimated Expense Form 1) A traveler’s supervisor or department requires the form to be completed. 2) A Procurement Card is used to pay conference registration. 3) The traveler is requesting pre-payment of their conference fee from a state account. 4) The traveler is requesting a Travel Advance. 5) The traveler requires travel funds to be encumbered. 6) To establish a commitment of funding among the traveler, the supervisor & the Travel Services Department.
Travelers must be certain their authorization has the appropriate signatures. Out-of-state travel requires a supervisor’s signature in addition to that of a Dean or VP. Travel within NYS requires the traveler’s supervisor’s signature. When forms are incomplete or instructions are not followed completely, requests may not be able to be filled in a timely manner.
Travel advances may be obtained if out of pocket expenses present financial hardship. The Travel Advance Form must be completed, signed and forwarded to the AP & Travel Services Department.Travel Advance Form Travel advances may be used to cover such costs as meals, taxis, and tolls when it applies. Travel Advances cannot be used to cover registration fees, airfare, or lodging. Travelers agree to file their NYS Travel Voucher promptly following their trip to obtain reimbursement of their expenses and to repay the advance amount. If the amount of the advance exceeds the travelers’ expenses, or the trip is cancelled, the traveler agrees to return the excess advance amount promptly. TRAVEL ADVANCES
Transportation It is the traveler’s obligation to use the most cost-efficient method of transportation available. If a more expensive method of travel is planned, the traveler is required to obtain approval from a campus Vice President and the Travel Services Department in advance of the travel. A detailed, documented justification must be submitted prior to travel. Personal preference is not an acceptable reason to not use the most cost efficient means of travel. It is advisable to check with your VP and the Travel Services Department before travel commences if the most economical means of travel is not taken.
When a more expensive method is chosen without sufficient justification, the Travel Services Department will only reimburse up to the least expensive rate of travel. The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) directs that the final decision concerning reimbursements in these instances should be made by the Travel Services Department. Any personal expenses should be kept completely separate from a traveler’s reimbursement request. Travelers should pay for any personal expenses they acquire, while in travel status, with personal funds only. Transportation
Common Carrier/Airfare Use of a common carrier typically results in the most economical method of transportation. Direct Travel, also referred to as Albany/Child Travel, is Buffalo State’s contracted vendor for flights and train tickets. Travelers must contact the Travel Services department, prior to contacting Direct Travel, and request that a profile be created. Direct Travel offers travelers the option to book online or call and speak to an agent ( ) to book air or train fare. NYS employees will have to pay Direct Travel with a NYS Citibank Travel card or a personal credit card. Travelers who travel on official NYS business are eligible to apply for a NYS Citibank travel card.
Airfare If a traveler does obtain a flight at a lower cost than Direct Travel can offer, detailed documentation must be provided with the traveler’s reimbursement request. The documentation must show the cost of the airfare quoted. Direct travel will provide an quote if requested. A significant price difference will justify the use of the non-contracted vendor.
Automobile Travel Personal automobiles are often used for close proximity trips and on trips within approximately 300 miles each way. On longer trips, the use of a vehicle may not be the most cost efficient means of travel. Travelers should compare estimates to determine whether the car will be the most cost-effective means of transportation. Travelers must provide the Travel Services Department with their research documentation.
Automobile Travel If it is determined that an automobile is the most cost-efficient means of travel, and the one-way distance is over 300 miles, please compare whether it is more cost-efficient to use a rental car that is under state contract.rental car Travelers reimbursements will be based upon the most cost efficient method. Travelers are encouraged to use the vehicle reimbursement calculator, which compares rental costs to employee reimbursements.vehicle reimbursement calculator Rental rates can be found on the New York State Enterprise Rental Contract. Corporate ID # P81183New York State Enterprise Rental Contract
While in Travel Status… Travelers must obtain and save receipts for all transactions -- hotel, parking, taxi, registration fee, toll receipts, etc. Federal Hotel Reimbursement Rates and Meal allowance rates will assist the traveler in completing the Travel Voucher after travel. Federal Hotel Reimbursement RatesMeal allowance rates When in overnight travel status, travelers may use Method One or Method Two to request reimbursement for lodging and meal expenses.
Method One Method One is a flat rate allowance for meals, lodging, & incidentals. It may be used in situations such as staying with a relative or friend. No receipts are required. The traveler must be in overnight travel status, and be eligible for both breakfast and dinner, in order to receive the full per diem.
Method One Per Diems Method One per diems are as follows: New York City and Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland and Westchester Counties $50.00 Cities of Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and their respective surrounding metropolitan areas $40.00 All other location in New York State $35.00 Out of State (this includes any out of state tax on lodging) $50.00
Method Two/Receipted Method Method Two usually requires lodging receipts and is most frequently used by travelers. This method provides reimbursement of actual lodging costs up to the allowed per diem rates as well as an allowance for meals (receipts not necessary) based upon Federal Reimbursement Rates for the location.Federal Reimbursement Rates Hotel receipts will need to show check-in date, check-out date, name registered, room rate, taxes, other charges, amount paid, and a zero balance. Maximum lodging rates exclude taxes.
Method Two When lodging takes place within New York State a Tax Exemption Certificate must be provided to the hotel (you may also need your Government ID). Tax Exemption Certificate New York State tax is not reimbursable. If the lodging is outside of New York State, state and local taxes are reimbursable and are not included in the lodging per diem rates.
Method Two If using a third party or online booking service the online hotel receipt must be in the employee's name and show the check- in date, the check-out date, the breakdown of rates and taxes, the amount paid by the employee and a zero balance. If you share a room with another employee, one-half of the double room charge may be claimed by each person. Separate itemized receipts should be requested of the hotel in order for each traveler to claim per diem rates for meals. You are allowed lodging and meals for weekends when it is necessary for you to be in travel status.
Travel Support Travelers must use the most cost efficient means of travel. For questions that may arise while in travel status refer to the Travel Services website. Also, you may contact the Travel Services Department for assistance.
After Travel… A NYS Travel Voucher Form must be completed and approved.NYS Travel Voucher Form If a personal vehicle was used and the traveler is requesting mileage reimbursement, a NYS Statement of Automobile Travel Form must accompany the NYS Travel Voucher.NYS Statement of Automobile Travel FormNYS Travel Voucher All receipts must establish proof of payment. Travelers must be certain all signatures and funding are included on the Travel Voucher There is no such thing as “too much back-up”
Proof of Payment A common problem the Travel Services Office encounters while processing travel reimbursements involves the collection of valid original receipts. At times, you may find that the receipt provided to you from a vendor may not meet the IRS’s required elements of a receipt. If this is the case, reimbursement may still be made if proof of payment accompanies the receipt.
Name of vendor (person or company you paid) Transaction date (when you paid) Detailed description of goods or services purchased (what you bought) Amount paid Form of payment (how you paid: cash, check, or last four digits of credit card) The IRS-required elements of a receipt:
Proof of Payment Proof of payment is required when a receipt does not meet the IRS’s required elements. Proof of payment includes the following: Cleared check – Most cleared checks are available as scanned images from your online bank account. Credit card statement – Eliminate cardholder address, account number, summary of account information and all other details not relevant to the particular transaction for which reimbursement is requested.
FYI For a faster turnaround include all documentation pertaining to your travel -- conference program, conference agenda, registration form, conference hotel name and location, etc., and any memos that may be pertinent to travel. When paying in foreign currency travelers’ expenses must be converted to U.S. currency based upon the exchange rate in effect during the period of travel. Travelers must attach currency converter print-outs with the corresponding date of the transaction to their reimbursement request. converted Reimbursements will be directly deposited into travelers’ bank accounts unless they do not have direct deposit for their paycheck or are paying back a travel advance. In these instances a check will be sent directly to the traveler.