POST AWARD ACTIONS Presenters: Evelyn Nabbah and Andrea Mack Presentation Date: May 30, 2013
TYPES OF POST AWARD ACTIONS No Cost Extensions Extension- With Invocation of Expanded Authority Extension- Without Invocation of Expanded Authority Extensions to Closeouts Foreign Travel Change or Absence of Principal Investigator Equipment Purchase Budget Revisions Change in Scope Transfer of Award
No Cost Extensions Extension- With Invocation of Expanded Authority Extensions requests invoking expanded authority are only for those recipients who have research based grants/cooperative agreements and are governed by 15 CFR Part 14 Prior Approval is Waived Must notify NOAA through Grants Online 10 days before the award ends. Elect One Time Extension of Up to 12 Months
No Cost Extensions Extension- Without Invocation of Expanded Authority Extension requests not invoking expanded authority are available to all grantees and must be submitted 30 days prior to the expiration date of the award Prior Approval Required Must request through Grants Online 30 days before award ends. Requests made after the expiration date of the award will be denied(Grants Online will not allow you to submit a request). Must have a budget attached showing remaining funds
Extension to the Closeout Request to extend the closeout period are only for the completion of invoice payments and reporting(progress reports and financial reports). No new work can be done in this period. The maximum additional time that can be requested is 60 days. The request must be made before the initial 90 days expires.
Foreign Travel Requests that were not specifically outlined in the project description require prior approval. When requests are submitted to the Program Office it should include: Trip destination and necessity of trip for the successful completion of the project; Dates, number of travelers and position titles; Per diem rates, airfare costs, ground transportation costs and registration fees; and If using a foreign carrier prior approval is required and a Fly America Act Waiver Checklist must be incorporated with request.
Change or Absence of Principal Investigator For those recipients who have Expanded Authorities this can be done without prior approval. For those entities who do not have Expanded Authorities the request should incorporate a Curriculum Vitae or an explanation for the absence and the estimated amount of time, how the project will be affected and what action will need to be taken.
Equipment Purchase Two-pronged Test Equipment is tangible, non-expendable personal property including exempt property charged directly to the award having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Prior approval is required for the purchase of equipment not expressly identified in the project description and the budget Need often results from encountering unanticipated circumstances
Equipment Purchase continued Request for approval should include: Estimated cost of each item; Written lease versus purchase analysis; Justification of the need for each item (why is it needed to accomplish work plan tasks?); Explanation of any budget and work plan revisions required in order to be able to purchase the equipment
Budget Revisions Prior approval not usually required for many budget transfers except Expenditures requiring prior approval in the applicable OMB Cost Principle Circulars. Movement of funds into or out of indirect costs. Movement of funds into a budget category in which you have not been funded Movement of large dollar amounts or a large percentage of funds in any category (cumulative 10% rule) Re-budget Justification – The “To/From” Analysis The need for the funds in the “to budget line”. Why funds are available in the “from” budget line. How the shift in funds in the “from” budget line will not impact on project performance. Must submit same type of budget documents required for the application. Program office must provide recommendation of approval before forwarding to the Grants Office.
Change In Scope When the project description is significantly changed prior approval must be obtained from the Grants Officer. Prior approval determines if proposed activity still falls within the statutory requirements of the program Request should include: clear reason and supporting documentation to assist in the Grants specialist/ Grant Officer review.
Transfer of Awards The most common reason for a Transfer of Award is due to the transfer of the Principal Investigator from one organization to another. The transfer should be discussed with the Program Officer early in the planning stages. The Organization that is loosing the Award initiates the Transfer by submitting the Novation Agreement through the Transfer Award Action Request. A justification for the transfer is required The approval of Transfer of Award request will generate a termination amendment