22 nd APAN July 2006
CountriesParticipantsCountriesParticipants Japan87Philippines4 Korea32Bangladesh3 Thailand28India3 China23Indonesia3 Taiwan22Vietnam3 Singapore20Austria1 USA20Italy1 Australia11Lao PDR1 Malaysia11Mongolia1 Hong Kong4Switzerland1 Nepal4UK1 TOTAL284
a glance Registration - USD79,174 Sponsorship - USD24,589 APAN Secretariat - USD11,000 Others: –Workshops charges(APII, AP*, APNG) - USD3,258 TOTAL: US$118,021
a glance Event Management Fee - USD19,534 Registration system - USD3,241 Network facility and services – USD11,316 Meeting Rooms & Set-up - USD18,526 Food & Beverages - USD27,029 Hotels(fellows+VIP) - USD3,832 Airfare (VIPs) - USD5,645 Other Logistics – USD6,306 TOTAL - USD95,429 SURPLUS – USD22,592 Amount Due to - USD4,518
SUPPORT from APAN Sec: USD11,000 Total Expenses for 10 th Anniversary: USD6,938 –Hotel: Jun Murai - USD281 –Hotel: Kilnam Chon - USD387 –Airfare: Jun Murai - USD4,962 –Airfare: Kilnam Chon - USD682 –Plague: USD626 Total Expenses for Fellowship: USD9,750 –Fellows Registration (38*USD163): USD6194 –RELC: USD3,165 –Transport Allowance: USD391 Shortage of USD5,688 Covered by SinGAREN – APAN Meeting Account Total contribution – USD4,518 + USD5,688 = USD10,206
Lessons Learnt Complexities of unique requirements for: –APNG –AP*Retreat Fellows no show: –About 25% made separate arrangements without informing Organizers Need to have some flexibility for room size: –Difficult to anticipate optimal room size for different sessions